This week I learned a lot of important knowledge, such as 6 new array apis, how to protect object members, some knowledge of ES6, DOM manipulation, and BOM manipulation, etc.

Member of a protected object

  • How do we protect the members of an object from being deleted or modified and so on?

    Operate according to four characteristics of the object

    We can use the object.defineProperty method to protect objects

    The four features are as follows:

            value: "xxx".// Where the value is actually saved
            writable: true.// Switch: whether it can be modified
            enumerable: true.// Switch: whether it can be traversed by the for in loop
            configurable: true // Switch: can be deleted
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    How to operate the four features?

            "Attribute name":{four features},... })Copy the code


    const obj = {
        name: 'Ming'.age: 18} Set the four properties of objObject.defineProperties(obj, {
        "name": {
            "configurable": false // Cannot be deleted
        "age": {
            "enumerable": false.// Can not be for.. In loops through to
            "configurable": false // Cannot be deleted}})delete
    console.log( / / xiao Ming
    for(const key in obj) {
        console.log(key) // name
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Protect according to the three levels of the object – simplifying the above operations

const obj = {
    name: 'Ming'.age: 18
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Imitation expansion – prevent addition

obj.wife = 'small fang'
console.log(obj.wife) // undefined -- cannot be added
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Seal – prevents addition and deletion

obj.wife = 'small fang'
console.log(obj.wife) // undefined -- cannot be added
console.log( // 18 -- can't be deleted
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Freeze – prevents addition, deletion and modification

obj.wife = 'small fang'
console.log(obj.wife) // undefined -- cannot be added
console.log( // 18 -- can't be deleted
Object.freeze(obj) = 'xiaoming'
console.log( // Xiao Ming -- can't change it
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Note that the above is not valid for deep operations, as in the following example

const obj = {
    name: 'Ming'.age: 18.score: {
        eng :  100}}Object.preventExtensions(obj)

obj.score.math = 100
console.log(obj.score.math) // 100 -- cannot be protected to a deeper level
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ES5 provides a six-digit API



Every () returns Boolean that determines that every element satisfies the func condition — every means every, so it needs all elements to satisfy something like &&

const arr = [1.2.3]
const result = arr.every(function(value) {
    console.log(value) / / 1
    return value == 2 // If you do not write "1", you will print "1". If you do not write "1", you will return "undefined"
console.log(arr, result) // [ 1, 2, 3 ] false
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Some () returns a Boolean, judge whether to have qualified element func – just have a meet similar to | |

const arr = [1.2.3]
const result = arr.some(function(value) {
    return value == 4
console.log(arr, result) // [ 1, 2, 3 ] false
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ForEach — if the operation is to repair the array directly

ForEach blocks cannot use break, continue, which throws an exception

const arr = [1.2.3]
arr.forEach((elem, index, array) = > {
    arr[index] = elem * 2
console.log(arr) // [2, 4, 6]
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And for loops

  • Braek and continue are not supported — an error is reported when used
  • ForEach () returns no value and simply calls the func callback forEach element


Map returns a new array, each element being the result of the func call

const arr = [1.2.3]
const result = {
    value += 1
    console.log(value) / / 2, 3, 4
    return value
console.log(arr, result) // [1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 4]
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Filtering and summarizing


Filter () returns an array of elements that meet the func criteria

const arr = [1.2.3]
const result = arr.filter(function(value) {
    console.log(value) / / 2
    return value == 2
console.log(arr, result) // [1, 2, 3] [2]
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  • Prev last result

  • Cur Current element

  • Index Indicates the index of the current element

  • Array Indicates the current array

    1. sum
    const arr = [1.2.3]
    const sum = arr.reduce(function(prev, cur, index, array) {
        return prev + cur // Add the current element to the last result
    }, 0); // Set the initial value to 0
    console.log(sum) / / 6
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    1. For maximum
    const arr = [1.2.3]
    const max = arr.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
        return Math.max(prev, cur)
    console.log(max)  / / 3
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    1. Array to heavy
    const arr = []
    const res = arr.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
        prev.indexOf(cur) == -1 && prev.push(cur) // Whether the last result contains the current result, if not, join
        return prev
    }, []); // Pass in an array with an empty initial value
    console.log(res)  / / [1, 2, 3, 4]
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Call and apply and bind

The core idea of Call /apply/ Bind is to borrow methods

  • Call and apply both temporarily replace the this reference in functions
  • Bind permanently replaces the reference to this in the function

What is the difference between apply and call?

The second parameter apply is passed as an array, and call is passed as an array. Call is passed as an array, and both parameters are immediately executed, equivalent to borrowing.

Bind is like buying, and once you buy it, it’s kind of permanent, so you don’t have to execute the function right away.

The steps of BIND:

1. Create a new function that is identical to the original function

2. Permanently bind this in the new function to the specified object – it cannot be changed

3. Permanently fix some parameters in the new function in advance

Syntax: var new function = function name.bind (specify object, permanent argument,…) ; – Not immediately executed, need to call yourself

Note: New functions bound by bind cannot be borrowed by Call /apply


The three attributes of an element

  1. NodeType: Gets the type of the node and returns a number – now useless
  2. Xx. nodeValue: can only get the value of the attribute node – this is not useful for us now
  3. Xx. nodeName: Gets the name of the node/label, but returns an all-uppercase label name — useful for determining the node’s name

Traversal cases where the hierarchy is not clear can be traversed in three ways

  1. recursive
  • Call yourself, basically only need to consider the first time to do on the line, disadvantages: high performance consumption.
  • Algorithm: Depth first! The child node of the current node is traversed first, and the sibling node is switched to only after the child node is traversed
  1. Traversing API

1, create TW:

var tw = document.createTreeWalker(root element, nodefilter.show_element)Copy the code

2. Call TW nextNode method repeatedly:

while((node = tw.nextNode()) ! = =null) {// Write your own operations
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  1. You can only iterate over elements with an undefined hierarchy, not data with an undefined hierarchy

  2. The root node is automatically skipped

  3. The pure cycle

  • Advantages: High performance
  • disadvantages

Deleting an Attribute Node

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HTML DOM: Provides simplified manipulation of attributes, as well as objects

  1. Img object – only the value provides the method to create
var img=newImage(); - Not everyone has HTML DOM simplified manipulation, only a fewCopy the code
  1. Select the object


    Select. Options – exactly equivalent to children, find all option elements in select. 2


    1. Select.add (option) – Add an option

    2. Select.remove (I) – remove elements from select (I)

    Exclusive events:

            // This is triggered when the state changes
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3. Option object — Simplifies creation

var opt=new Option("innerHTML"."value");
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You can use this with the one up here and it’s very useful

Append options directly created

select.add(new Option("innerHTML"."value"));
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Equivalent to the following four lines of code

var opt=document.createElement("option");
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