A Tree (Tree)

The definition of the tree

A tree is made up of roots and several subtrees. A tree is made up of a set and a relationship defined on that set. The elements of the set are called nodes of the tree, and the relationships defined are called parent-child relationships. The parent-child relationship establishes a hierarchy between nodes in the tree. In this hierarchy, one node has a special status, which is called the root of the tree, or root.

  1. Tree: a finite set of n(n>= 0) nodes.

    When n = 0, it’s called an empty tree

  2. Degree of node: number of subtrees of node >= 1

  3. Degree of tree: The maximum degree of any node in the tree

  4. Leaf node: node with degree 0

  5. Path and path length: the number of line segments between nodes, for example, a-B-C is 2

  6. Hierarchy of nodes: specify that the root node is at layer 1, and the number of layers of any other node is the number of layers of its parent node plus 1

  7. Tree depth: The maximum level of all nodes in the tree

Tree representation

  1. Ordinary notation

    The implementation of this notation is complicated, and the implementation of array is adopted. When there are too many child nodes, the larger the dimension of array is, the lower the efficiency is.

  2. Sibling notation

    This representation can be implemented in a linked list, that is, to ensure that the locations between brothers are represented according to the left and right nodes, that is, the implementation of a binary tree, that is, all tree structures can be transformed into a binary tree form.

    / / A node
    Node {
        this.data = data;
        this.leftChild = B;
        this.rightSibling = C
    / / C node
    Node {
        this.data = data;
        this.leftChild = G;
        this.rightSibling = D
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Binary tree

Binary tree: A tree with at most two subtrees per node is called a binary tree.

The characteristics of

  1. A binary tree number twoiThe maximum node tree of layer is:2^(i - 1)
  2. Depth ofkThe binary tree contains at most2^k-1A node
  3. In the binary tree, there aren0One leaf node,n2A degree of2, thenn0 = n2 + 1

Special type

Full binary tree: A tree in which all nodes except leaf nodes contain two subtrees is called full binary tree

Complete binary tree: except for the last layer, the number of nodes in other layers reaches the maximum value, and the last layer has continuous leaf nodes from left to right, and only some nodes on the right are missing.


Binary trees are commonly stored in arrays and linked lists

  1. Use arrays: perfect binary trees or complete binary trees

  1. Use linked lists: incomplete binary trees

    Because if you continue to use arrays, you’re wasting space.

Binary search tree

The characteristics of

The key of the left node < the key of the parent node < the key of the right node

Code implementation

  1. Initialize binary tree code

    • Three simple attributes are used here

      Key: The size used to hold a value

      Left: indicates the left subtree

      Right: Used to indicate the number of words on the right

    function BinarySearchTree() {
      // Node element
      function Node(key) {
        this.key = key // A key-value pair can be stored as a key-value pair
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
      // Initialize the root node
      this.root = null;
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  2. The insert

    1. Check whether there is a root node. If there is no root node, add it as root

    2. Have root node –> add recursive insert method

    3. Add to left node or right node –> If add to left node, check whether null, add to left node, and vice versa.

    BinarySearchTree.prototype.insert = (key) = > {
        // 1. Create node elements
        const newNode = new Node(key);
        // 2. Check whether there is a root node
        if(this.root === null) {
          this.root = newNode
        }else {
          insertNode(this.root, newNode)
      // Insert recursive operations
      function insertNode(oldNode, newNode) {
        // 1. Check whether it is on the left node or the right node
        if( newNode.key < oldNode.key) {
          // 2. Check whether the left node is null
          if(oldNode.left === null) {
            // If it is null, it is added directly after
            oldNode.left = newNode;
          }else {
            // if not null, recurse again
            insertNode(oldNode.left, newNode)
        }else {
          / / same as above
          if(oldNode.right === null) {
            oldNode.right = newNode;
          }else {
            insertNode(oldNode.right, newNode)
    // Test the insert code
    const bsts = new BinarySearchTree();
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    1. After adding the test code, the view looks like this:

  3. Traversal operation

    1. The first sequence traversal

      1. Processing the root node

      2. The left node is traversed in order first

      3. The right node is traversed in order

        BinarySearchTree.prototype.preOrder = function(cb) {
          _preOrderNode(this.root, cb)
        // Iterate over the recursive function first
        function _preOrderNode(node, cb) {
          // Stop recursion if both the left and right subtrees are null during processing
          if(node ! = =null) {
            // 1 Handles the key and adds node.key via callback
            // 2 processes the passed left subtree
            _preOrderNode(node.left, cb)
            // 3 Process the passed right subtree
            _preOrderNode(node.right, cb)
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    2. In the sequence traversal

      1. The left node is traversed in middle order

      2. Find the root node

      3. In order to traverse the right node

      BinarySearchTree.prototype.midOrder = function(cb) {
          _midOrderNode(this.root, cb)
        function _midOrderNode(node, cb) {
          if(node ! = =null) {
            // 1. The left node is traversed in order
            _midOrderNode(node.left, cb)
            // 2. Find the root
            // 3. Walk through the right node in order
            _midOrderNode(node.right, cb)
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    3. After the sequence traversal

      1. The left subtree node is traversed sequentially

      2. The right subtree node is traversed sequentially

      3. Find the root node

      BinarySearchTree.prototype.postOrder = function(cb) {
          _postOrderNode(this.root, cb)
        function _postOrderNode(node, cb) {
          if(node ! = =null) {
            // 1. The left subtree node is traversed sequentially
            _postOrderNode(node.left, cb)
            // 2. The right subtree is traversed in sequence
            _postOrderNode(node.right, cb)
            // 3. Find the root
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    4. The test code

      // Run the test first
      let pre = ""
      bst.preOrder((key) = > {
        pre += key + ""
      console.log("Sequential traversal test" + pre)
      // Order traversal test
      let mid = ""
      bst.midOrder((key) = > {
        mid += key + ""
      console.log("Middle order traversal test" + mid)
      // After the sequence traversal test
      let post = ""
      bst.postOrder((key) = > {
        post += key + ""
      console.log("Post-order traversal test"+ POST) sequential traversal test11 7 5 3 9 8 10 15 13 12 14 20 18 19 25Medium order traversal test3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 25Post-order traversal test3 5 8 10 9 7 12 14 13 19 18 25 20 15 11
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  4. To find the most value

    Combined with the characteristics of binary search tree, the left subtree node < parent node < right subtree node

    /** * Max Max * When the right subtree is null, the element is the maximum */
      BinarySearchTree.prototype.max = () = > {
        let node = this.root
        let key = null
        while(node) {
          key = node.key
          node = node.right
        return key
      /** * min * When the left subtree is null, the element is the smallest */
      BinarySearchTree.prototype.min = () = > {
        let node = this.root
        let key = null
        while(node) {
          key = node.key
          node = node.left
        return key
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  5. Searches for the presence of a key value

     /** * Searches for the presence of a key */
      BinarySearchTree.prototype.search = (key) = > {
        let current = this.root;
        while(current) {
          if(key < current.key) {
            current = current.left
          }else if (key > current.key){
            current = current.right;
          }else {
            return true}}return false;
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  6. Delete operation

    1. If the key is a leaf node, the parent node of the key points to NULL

    2. If there is only one node after the key, the parent node of the key points to the child node of the key

    3. If there are two nodes after the key, consider the precursor or successor nodes to fill in the key, and then adjust the subsequent node changes

    /** * Delete a key * 1 if the key is a leaf node, the parent of the key points to null * 2 If there is only one node behind the key, the parent of the key points to the child of the key * 3. If there are two nodes after the key, you need to consider the precursor or successor nodes to fill, and then adjust the subsequent node changes */
      BinarySearchTree.prototype.remove = (key) = > {
        let current = this.root;
        Parent, isLeftChild, isLeftChild, isLeftChild, isLeftChild
        let parent = this.root;
        let isLeftChild = true
        // Find the current key location
        while(current.key ! == key) { parent = currentif(key < current.key) {
            current = current.left
            isLeftChild = true
          }else {
            current = current.right
            isLeftChild = false
          // If current is null, exit directly
          if (current === null) {
            return false; }}const type = isLeftChild ? 'left' : 'right';
        // When there are only leaf nodes
        if(current.left === null && current.right === null) {
          if(current.key === this.root.key) {
            this.root = null
          }else {
            parent[type] = null}}// If there is only one left subtree node, we need to point parent to the child node
        else if (current.left === null && current.right) {
          // Point the parent node to the child node
          parent[type] = current.right
        } else if (current.right === null && current.left) {
          parent[type] = current.left
        // There are two child nodes, which can find the precursor or successor
        // The tree is a little larger than the deleted node, i.e. the leftmost node in the right subtree
        else {
          // Find the successor node
          const node = _closeBigger(current.right)
          if(current.key === this.root.key) {
            this.root = node
            node.left = current.left
          }else {
            if(isLeftChild) {
              parent.left = node
              node.left = current.left
            }else {
              parent.right = node
              node.left = current.left
      // Find the successor node
      function _closeBigger(node) {
        let temp = node
        let current = null
        // Save the parent of a descendant node, because there may be descendants that are not nodes but nodes in the left subtree behind
        let currentParent = null
        while(node) {
          currentParent = current // Save the parent node
          current = node
          node = node.left
        / / when the node key! If == current. Key, you need to adjust the node
        if(temp ! == current) {// By the nature of balanced binary trees, the leftmost is the smallest, when currentParent.left -> current. Right (present or null)
          currentParent.left = current.right
          current.right = currentParent
        return current
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JS hash table implementation