What is modularity

  • To package a complex program into blocks (files) according to certain rules (specifications) and combine them together
  • The internal functions/implementations of the block are private, only exposing some interfaces (methods) to the outside to harmonize with other modules.
Benefits of modularity
  • Avoid naming conflicts
  • Better separation, load on demand
  • Higher reusability
  • High maintainability
The page introduces the loading script
  • Request too much
  • Relying on the fuzzy
  • Difficult to maintain
Classification of modular specifications
CommonJS – specification
  • Description:
    1. Each file can be treated as a module
    2. On the server side: modules are loaded synchronously at runtime
    3. On the browser side: modules need to be compiled and packaged ahead of time
  • Basic syntax:
    1. Exposed to the module
    • module.exports = value
    • exports.xxx = value
    • Question: What exactly is the exposed module?
    1. The introduction of the module
    • require(xxx)
      1. Third-party module: XXX module name
      2. Custom module: XXX is the module file path
CommonJS – implementation
  • Server-side implementation
    1. Node.js
    2. nodejs.cn/
  • Browser-side implementation
    1. Browerify
    2. browserify.org/
    3. Also known as CommonJs browser-side packaging tool
  • Distinguish Node from Browserify
Node.js modularity tutorial
  1. Download and install Node.js
  2. Creating a project structure
| - modules | - module1. Js | - module2. Js | - module3. Js | - app. Js | - package. Json {" name ":" commonJs - node ", "version" : "1.0.0"}Copy the code
  1. Downloading third-party Modules
  • NPM install uniq –save // deduplicate algorithm
  1. Modular coding
module1.js module.exports = { msg:'module1' foo(){ console.log(this.mgs); } } module2.js module.exports = function() { console.log('module2'); } module3.js exports.foo = function() { console.log('foo() module3'); }; exports.bar = function() { console.log('bar() module3'); } app.js // let module1 = require('./modules/module1'); let module2 = require('./modules/module2'); let module3 = require('./modules/module3'); module1.foo(); module2(); module3.foo(); module3.foot();Copy the code
Browserify modular use tutorial
| 1. Create a project structure - js | - dist / / packaging generated file directory | - SRC / / source directory | - module1. Js | - module2. Js | - module3. Js | - app. Js / / application main source file | - index. HTML | - package. Json {" name ":" browserify - test ", "version" : "1.0.0"} 2. Download browserify * NPM install browserify --save-dev 3. Module1.js module.exports = {foo(){console.log('module1 foo()'); } } * module2.js module.exports = function() { console.log('module2 foo()'); } * module3.js exports.foo = function() { console.log('module3 foo()'); } exports.bar = function() { console.log('module3 bar()'); } app.js let uniq = require('uniq'); let module1 = require('./module1'); let module2 = require('./module2'); let module3 = require('./module3'); module1.foo(); module2(); module3.foo(); module3.bar(); The console. The log (uniq (,2,4,6,3,5,2,3 [1])); * Browserify js/ SRC /app.js -o js/dist/bundle.js *  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dist/bundle.js"></script>Copy the code
AMD – specification
  • instructions
    • Asynchronous Module Definition
    • Github.com/amdjs/amdjs…
    • Designed for use in browsers, modules are loaded asynchronously
  • The basic grammar
    • Defining exposure modules
Funtction (){return module}) 2. Function (m1,m2){return module})Copy the code
  • Introducing usage modules
Require ([' module1 ', 'module2], function (m1, m2) {/ / use the m1 / m2})Copy the code
AMD- Implementation (Browser side)
  • Require.js
  • www.requirejs.cn/
  • www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2012/1…
Function (window){let name = 'dataservice.js '; function getName(){ return name; } window.dataService = {getName}; })(function(window,dataService){let MSG = 'alerter.js'; function showMsg(){ console.log(msg,dataService.getName); } window.alerter = {showMsg}; })(windwo,dataService) app.js (function(alerter){ alerter.showMsg(); })(alereter) <script type="text/javascript" scipt="./js/dataService.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" scipt="./js/alerter.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" scipt="./app.js"></script>Copy the code
Require.js tutorial to use
  1. Download require.js and import
  • Website: www.requirejs.cn/
  • Github:github.com/requirejs/r…
  • Import require.js into the project: js/libs/require.js
  1. Creating a project structure
Copy the code
  1. Defines the module code for require.js
Function (){let name = 'dataservice.js '; function getName(){ return name; } // expose module return {getName}; }); Function ('dataService'){let MSG = 'alerter.js'; function showMsg(){ console.log(msg,dataService.getName); } return {showMsg} }); main.js (function(){ requirejs.config({ //baseUrl:'js/', // Paths in the root directory :{// Configure path dataService:'./modules/dataService', alerter:'./modules/alerter', jquery: '/ libs/juqery - 1.10.1', presents: '/ libs/presents'}, shim: {presents: {exports:' presents'}}}); requirejs(['alerter'],function(alerter){ alerter.showMsg(); }); <script data-main="js/main.js" SRC ="js/libs/require.js"></script>Copy the code
  • instructions
    • Common Module Definition
    • Github.com/seajs/seajs…
    • Designed for use in browsers, the loading of certain objects is asynchronous
    • Modules are loaded and executed only when they are in use
  • The basic grammar
    • Defining exposure modules
/ / define a dependent module define (function (the require, exports, exports, the module) {/ / introduce dependent module (synchronous) var module2 = the require ('. / module2 '); Async ('./module3',function(m3){}) // exposed module exports.xxx=value})Copy the code
  • Introducing usage modules
    var m1 = require('./module1');
    var m4 = require('./module4');
Copy the code
Cmd-implementation (browser side)
  • Sea.js
  • www.zhangxinxu.com/sp/seajs/
Sea-.js easy to use tutorial
  1. Download sea-.js and import
  • Liverpoolfc.tv: seajs.org/
  • github:github.com/seajs/seajs
  • Import sea-.js into the project: js/libs/ sea-.js
  1. Creating a project structure
Copy the code
  1. Define modules that have no dependencies
define(function(require,exports,module){ let msg = 'module1'; function foo(){ retrun msg; Exports = {foo}; // exports = {foo}; }); define(function(require,exports,module){ let msg = 'module2'; function bar(){ retrun msg; } // exports = bar; }); define(function(require,exports,module){ let data = 'module3'; function bar(){ console.log(data); } // exports.module3 = bar; }); define(function(require){ let data = 'module4'; // let module2 = require('./module2'); module2(); // Async ('./module3',function(module3){module3.module3.fun(); }); function fun2(){ console.log(msg); } // exports.fun2 = fun2; }); define(function(require){ let module1 = require('./module1'); module1.foo(); let module4 = require('./module4'); module4 }) <script type = 'text/javascript' src="js/libs/sea.js"></script> <script type = 'text/javascript'> seajs.use('./js/modules/main.js'); </script>Copy the code
ES6 – specification
  • instructions
    • Es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs/modul…
    • Dependent modules need to be compiled and packaged
  • grammar
    • Export module: export
    • Import module: Import
ES6- Implementation (Browser)
  • Compile ES6 into ES5 code using Base
  • Compile and package JS using Browserify
Es6-babel-browserify use tutorial
Json {"name":"es6-babel-browerify", "version":"1.0.0"} 2. Install Babel -cli,balel-preset-es2015 and Browerify * NPM install Babel -cli browserify -g //cli: Command line interface * NPM Install balel-preset- ES2015 --save-dev * preset (all plug-ins to convert ES6 to ES5 are packaged) 3. Jbabelrc {"presets":["es2015"]} 4. Export function foo(){console.log('foo() module1'); } export function bar(){ console.log('bar() module1'); } export let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; Function fun(){console.log('fun() module2'); } function fun2(){ console.log('fun2() module2'); } export {fun,fun2}; // Introduce other modules // syntax: inport XXX from 'path' import {foo,bar} from './module1'; import {fun,fun2} from './module2'; console.log(module1,module2); Compile * Compile ES6 to ES5 code using Babel (but with CommonJSy syntax) : Babel js/ SRC -d js/lib * use Browerify to compile js:browserify js/lib/app.js -o js/lib/bundle.js <script type="text/javascript" SRC ="js/lib/bundle.js" > 7 NPM install jquery@1 --save * In app.js, use // default exposure to expose 0 arbitrary data types, //export default value; module3.js <! --export defalult () => {console.log(" I am the default exposed arrow function "); }--> export default {MSG :' default exposure ', foo(){console.log(this.msg); }} <! --import module3 from './module3'; --> module3.foo(); import $ from 'jqurey'; $('body').css('background','green');Copy the code