Summary of link list 206 inverse link list iteration and recursive solution

1. Title Description

Reverse a single linked list. Example:

Input: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL Output: 5->4->3->2->1->NULLCopy the code

2. How to solve the problem

  • The iteration

The idea of iteration is simple: flip the list from the beginning, node by node. Each time a node is traversed, the node is broken off the list so that the node pointer points to the reversed part of the list. The code is as follows:

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * function ListNode(val, next) { * this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val) * = (next===undefined ? null : next) * } */
/ * * *@param {ListNode} head
 * @return {ListNode}* /
var reverseList = function(head) {
    if(! head || ! head // If the list is empty, or the list has only one node, it returns directly
    let p = null,z = head,y
    while(z){ // Iterate through the list until the list is null
        y = z // make y point to the head of the list, i.e. store the first node in the y variable
        z = // Make z point to the rest of the list after the u-turn node is removed = p // The y pointer to the first node to be removed points to the flipped list
        p = y // Make p point to the head node of the flipped list. That is, p stores the flipped part of the list
    return p
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  • recursive

The idea of recursion is a little harder to understand. Unlike iteration, recursion starts with the reverse:

5 -> 7 -> 8 -> 4 -> NULL When we recurse to node 4, because the node next points to NULL, we assume that the node belongs to the flipped node and return it directly. 8 -> 4-> NULL = 8 -> next = 8 -> next = null Next =null 4. Next = 8 4->8->null The list behind 7 nodes has been recursively flipped. At this point, we can't think too convoluted. Although the list behind 7 has been flipped to 4->8-> NULL, the next of 7 nodes still points to 8 nodes instead of 4 nodes. Next =null 8. Next = 7 next=null 8. Next = 7Copy the code

The code is as follows:

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * function ListNode(val, next) { * this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val) * = (next===undefined ? null : next) * } */
/ * * *@param {ListNode} head
 * @return {ListNode}* /
var reverseList = function(head) {
    if(! head || ! head
    let tail =,p = reverseList( // here p always returns the last node of the original list, i.e. the first node of the new list = // tail is the next of the current head, so we point the current head to null = head // Make the current head node pointing to null the last node in the current flipped list
    return p // Return the last node of the original list, i.e. the first node of the new list, so p also stands for the whole list flipped
    // The official solution is as follows:
    const p = reverseList( = head = null
    return p
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Third, summary

This one, again, is a very simple problem, but the recursion of the list is a little bit convoluted, but the recursion is essentially the same, and it starts at the final bound, which is to flip the list backwards.

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