Read the news

The best choice for online video conferencing software Zoom (The Verge) All use WebRTC.

The main reason why your videoconferencing systems don’t integrate with each other (Enterpise Times) is because when most companies want to be SaaS or cloud providers, there is no incentive to do so.

Security and privacy flaws and issues with Zoom so far, and what steps you can take to protect yourself (TidBITS) Even in that case, you can be sure that all video conferencing vendors are hoping that Zoom’s stock price doesn’t fall too far.

Microsoft Edge is ahead of Firefox, but good luck, Chrome isn’t (the ExtWeb).

Technical information

How to use Coturn and create and configure STUN/TURN servers in Ubuntu 18.04 (Our Code World) is highly recommended.

How to abuse the TURN server in Slack to access Communication Breakdown services update your Coturn configuration accordingly.

Hack off iPhone camera (Ryan Pickren) unauthorized access to camera in Safari. There has been no feedback that this bug has been fixed.

WaveNetEQ AI improves Audio quality in Duo apps (Google AI Blog) Google uses machine learning for packet loss and hiding. This is not a WebRTC thing, but a sign of where the company needs to put its resources.

Running your own Secure Communication service (Matrix) with Matrix and Jitsi How do I add video to Matrix

Do your video calls have end-to-end encryption? May not (webrtcHacks) SFU end-to-end encryption and location in WebRTC

Intel OWT + OpenCV + GStreamer accelerates computer vision in WebRTC media server

H265 / HEVC, hardware acceleration, almost done in #Webrtc (Webrtc by Dr Alex) I wonder what is the long term advantage of this investment for Apple or Intel?

Users practice

Tyto Care has committed $50 million to purchase and build new services during a surge in demand for COVID-19 (TechCrunch congratulations to the Tyto Care team. In this context, telemedicine is one of the main winners.

Inaki is proud that Pornhub’s Live chat uses Mediasoup as a media server (Twitter).

Jewish Heritage Network opened Happy Passover remotely with the Agora SDK.

Media reports

Jitsi Video Conferencing System New Feature Update, April 2020 (Jitsi) Now, you can share audio with the screen.

We had to compress the neural network 30 times to run in Chrome (Krisp) to take full advantage of WebAssembly to improve WebRTC audio quality in the browser.

New RingCentral Video Conferencing solution makes access faster and collaboration easier (RingCentral) RingCentral replaces Zoom with their own WebrTc-based video conferencing service.

Facebook turned on a separate Messenger desktop application (the ExtWeb) stream to do just that.