It is possible that one day, Google engineers will use the same IDE that Compose was developed for.

Jetpack Compose may support Desktop UI, as you can see from the Google Source link below:

If you can’t open the link, take a screenshot.

At present, there is still little official information, but the screenshots below show some key information.

First, it is universal across multiple platforms. Windows, of course, also offers Linux and MacOs support.

Second, skiaWindow.kt, which is drawn at the end of the image, is also drawn by the Skia engine, just like Flutter.

Jetbrain, an IDE company, produces the Kotlin language. Of the existing Kotlin user base, it’s no surprise that Android developers make up the majority. But Kotlin’s ambitions do not end there.

If you pay attention to Kotlin’s website, you’ll find a completely different Kotlin. Take a look at this image on the front page of our website.

Probably because Android has already been decided, it was put at the bottom of the list.

You can probably see Kotlin’s big picture. Mobile cross-platform, Native, data science, server development, Web development, Android, and now Desktop UI. Is there anything Kotlin can’t do?

Kotlin’s mobile platform is unique in that it does not provide a cross-platform UI, so how can it be called cross-platform? It actually crosses business logic code. Here’s a picture from the official website:

At the UI level, you can still use your own UI solution for each platform, Android developers can use Compose, or it’s still XML, IOS developers can use SwiftUI, etc. Kotlin is then used to provide common business logic code. peifu

Compose + SwiftUI + Kotlin Multiplatform is an open source project for the swarm + SwiftUI + Kotlin Multiplatform stack. The address is as follows:

Other Native, data science, server-side development, Web development, etc., I don’t know much about. But I have to say, what a big step Kotlin is taking! As an IDE started the company, really admire.

It’s a big plate, but so far, Kotlin has rarely been used in a production environment other than Android. Even Android, with a big push from Google dad, is still not very popular in China. This could be a problem Kotlin will face in all areas.

At last.

Kotlin 1.0 was released in 2016.

Google IO 2017 has announced Kotlin as the official Android development language.

Google IO 2019 introduces Kotlin First.

Now, in 2020, as an Android developer, if you haven’t mastered Kotlin, it’s a bit of a shame.

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