Jenkins installation tutorial

To install Jenkins, you will need to install Docker and JDK. If you have not already installed Docker or JDK, please refer to the additional documentation — Docker Setup and JDK Setup

1. Add Jenkins library to yum repos:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo 

2. Grab resources

rpm --import

3. Install the Jenkins

yum install -y jenkins

4. Configuration Jenkins

Open Jenkins text and go into edit mode

 vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins 

Change USER to root and port to a non-conflicting port

For example, if I have an 8085, I will change the 8080 after the port to 8085

5. Start Jenkins

Enter the following command to start Jenkins

service jenkins restart 

5.1 Successful startup

5.2 Start Failure

Here is a problem with the Jenkins JDK configuration, using the following command to open the document for editing

 vi /etc/init.d/jenkins

Add your own JDK path to /usr/bin/java.

When you restart Jenkins after the addition is complete, 5.1 will start successfully

 service jenkins restart 

6. Open ports

Log on to our server, go to Security Group – click Configuration Rules

In the configuration rules, manually add the port we just set in step 4, fill in the port range just set, for example, mine is 8085/8085, the default source is, you can decide whether to add the description, and then save it

7. Unlock Jenkins

7.1 Unlock it for the first time, open a browser on Windows or Mac native, and type “IP: Port “to unlock (assuming the server’s public network IP is and the newly opened port is 8085), then enter in the browser and enter the Jenkins unlocking interface (if there is an error in the input, you can check whether the server is open or not. Is the port number developed in the security group consistent with the port number in Step 4? If no problem is found, you can enter the 7.2 pagoda to solve the problem of not logging in Jenkins.)

If you successfully log in the unlock interface, enter the following interface

Find the relevant file according to the red path, enter the password in the file into the text box (after remote connection, click the top left corner of the file to open the number of files, you can also use the Tower “file”), find the file, double click to open, copy the content into the text box

If the file cannot be found, you can copy the administrator password by opening the document directly with the following command line

If I put it in a different place, it’s vi (red path)

 vi /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

After the input is completed, enter the following interface, recommend to use the recommended plug-in installation, wait for the installation is completed

After the installation is complete, create the first administrator user and enter the user name, password and other information to proceed to the next step

After clicking Save and finishing, enter the following interface, Instance URL configuration, which is usually the same as the input when unlocking Jenkins. It is also the server IP: port number, so save by default

When the save is complete, the following screen appears and Jenkins is installed

This is the main screen

7.2 Pagoda solved the issue of not being able to log into Jenkins

It may be that this port of the firewall has not been successfully opened. We can enter the pagoda for setting. (If you do not know about pagoda or have not installed pagoda before, you can refer to another document — the installation and use of pagoda)

7.3 Some users may not speak Chinese, you can choose Chinese, click the left gear icon, and then click the green icon on the right

Select the second optional plug-in, search for Locale, Download, and then click Restart. Restart Jenkins when the download is complete

Some versions of Jenkins may also need to install another plug-in Localization: Chinese

If it has not yet become Chinese, you may need to install the plugin. If it does, you may be missing the plugin. (Note that you must restart Jenkins after the installation. Remember that! Remember!)