Jenkins has become a great tool for DevOps, enabling me to do almost anything I want with its flexible scripting and plugins. The tools of heaven! Here’s a look at some of the compile, deploy, and markup configurations you’ve been building for your team lately.

1. First you need a server

Here I choose Centos, the configuration is not very high, because it is a small team, so 2 cores 8G is enough. After selecting a good server, you need to install, here just listed, installation and not too many pits.

1.1. Install JDK

yum list installed |grep java
#Look for the version you wantYum -y remove Java -1.8.0-openjdk* Java -version # yum -y remove Java -1.8.0 -openJDK * Java -versionCopy the code

1.2 installation Jenkins

 wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
 rpm --import
 yum install -y jenkins
Copy the code