
As early as a few years ago, we had the habit of writing a summary. Therefore, the summary in 18 years cannot be escaped.

Think for a long time, want to find a keyword to sum up, and finally feel that you have changed, is throughout the year;

It was 11:09 on November 28, 18.11.28 when I started writing. I had the honor to communicate with a senior student yesterday, and I had a lot of feelings, as if I had seen myself in the past. Therefore, I hope to let more students associate with me by telling stories.

17 years,

That year, it was basically 2 points, company, home;

Wife every day like looking husband stone, hope to work early to go home to accompany her;

18 years

The timeline

1-3 months

In recent months, I have been busy with interviews and met many enterprises, such as YY, Huya, BigO, Kugou, Xiaoyujia, Xiaopeng, JINGdong (Shenzhen), Ali (Shenzhen) and various small and medium-sized companies.

I was impressed by the whole process, took a lot of notes, and realized the requirements of the testing post in the industry;

The biggest feeling is that the test needs to understand things, more than before thought, the industry is not optimistic about the test, because the primary test is too much, and a lot of lack of advanced;

When you have no direction, might as well go to the face to try, only with the head to hit a stone, will know how much pain;


In the first half of the month, I traveled alone with my wife and children to Chongqing, Chengdu and Xi ‘an. Unfortunately, I did not continue to the north, because my child was not yet 2 years old at that time, and there was already some accusers on the way. Let me save 19 years to realize it.

In the second half of the month, I decided to go to a start-up company. I considered it for a long time and communicated with my wife for a long time before making the decision. Finally, my wife said, you think it is beneficial to you, so go.

Although the economy will be a little difficult, I decided to join this company in consideration of growth. Looking back now, I am very grateful to join this company, because it has brought a qualitative change to my later life.

5-12 months

I have been working in the new company, basically starting from 0, and I have learned a lot of jobs that I had contact with before but did not settle.


As the person in charge, THERE are many things that the company did not have before, such as interview, assessment, team building, etc. At the same time, I also have new access to web, small programs and other testing content, including database, which was previously inaccessible, and I have been in the learning stage.


First of all, no overtime, basic double leave, 9:30-6:30, go on time, occasionally overtime, but basically no overtime;

What difference does not working overtime make?

  • I spend more time with my wife and kids
  • More time to do other things

At present, not working overtime has formed a qualitative change, family happiness has soared, but also in contact with a lot of people and things, such as starting to write a blog, began to want to make money and so on, so the word qualitative change to describe this year’s life, it is not an exaggeration;


Technical post test, after all, the word technology always want to mention that in this year, mainly in the expansion and consolidation, a lot of empty things, eventually landing a methodology by means of writing a blog, write a small program, web testing, also has the best tools to write some others before, experience, also have to understand the big data, artificial intelligence, Although it is just a simulation demo, I will learn more aspects of Python, such as crawler and data analysis, learn and consolidate basic functions such as Git, shell and Markdown, and do some interesting things, such as floor brushing and monitoring someone’s micro-blog.

You have changed

I really changed this year. I used to think I was too old to learn anything, but this year I wrote 40+ articles.

I used to feel that I didn’t repay my family well, but THIS year I go home for dinner every day.

I used to think I knew nothing, but now I often communicate with others.

I used to think I had no time, but now I spend all day thinking about how to make more money.

Life did not have a point of interest before, now will learn how to take wife better look;

The oldest was in bed by ten o ‘clock, ready for bed;

Jb, you’ve changed;


18 years have a lot of regret, but relative, the regret of the past is just to make up for the future, isn’t it?

  • Travel did not go to the northwest;
  • There are 12 articles to be written;
  • To lose weight;
  • Be a good dad;
  • .

19 years

For 19 years, I still want to hit my face. In fact, there are only a few flags that come and go.

  • Family oriented, less overtime;
  • Before Kaibao goes to kindergarten, I will go on a long trip for a week if time permits.
  • Keep up the blogging habit and the column flag;
  • Losing weight in preparation for the possibility of having a second child;
  • The basic knowledge of technology to continue to precipitation and output, such as HTTP;
  • Other no matter how busy, can not reduce the input to the home, such as children’s education, wife’s care;
  • Finally, continue to be interesting;

One last thing

Finally, I finished my writing before the end of 18 years. My biggest feeling this year is:

You are not really happy;

It’s like leaving a job. You weigh all the pros and cons, and you may hesitate in the end, but in the process, you may forget whether you are happy or not.

Jb ran away, although the annual income is much less, but there is plenty of time, to contact with the things that I have not touched in the past few years, sometimes this is not a bad thing, it is an opportunity to expand;

Money or life, if you can’t have both, which will you choose?

Finally, I wish you all a happy, happy and healthy Chinese New Year