“This is the sixth day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”

1. Prepare knowledge

  1. Escape character (\n,\f,\r,\t,\v)
  2. Multiline string
// Multi-line strings make use of escape characters
var string = 'i am \
Copy the code

2. Create regular expressions

  1. literal
  2. new RegExp(“”, “igm”)

The regular expression defaults to greedy matching. If you don’t want greed to match, right?

3. The attribute

  1. I: Ignore case
  2. G: Global matching
  3. M: Multi-line matching

4. The expression

  1. [0-9]
  2. [a-z]
  3. [A-Z]
  4. [A-z]
  5. ^ : Put in the expression to represent not
  6. (\w)
Var reg = /(\w)\1/g; Var STR = 'aabbccdd'; str.match(reg) -- > ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']Copy the code
  1. .=== [\r\n]

“| | BCD (ABC) a pipeline of Linux

5. Yuan character

  1. \w === [0-9A-z_]
  2. \W === [^\w]
  3. \d === [0-9]
  4. \D === [^\d]
  5. \s === whitespace character
  6. \S === [^\s]
  7. \ B: Match word boundaries
  8. \B: Match non-word boundaries

6. Quantifiers

  1. n+
  2. n*
  3. n? : n Occurs 0-1 times
  4. n{x}
  5. n{x,y}
  6. n{x,}
  7. ^n
  8. n$

7. Forward pre-check (assertion)

  1. ? = expression
  2. ? ! expression

This expression does not participate in selection, only in constraints

Method 8.

  1. RegExp
    1. Reg.test (STR): Returns true if STR matches successfully
    2. reg.exec(str)
        // If reg is a global match, exec performs like a seamless switch,
        // The cursor is lastIndex
        // If there is a subexpression in the reg, the value of the subexpression is returned for each match
        var reg = /(\w)\1(\w)\2/g;
    	var str = 'aabbccdd';
    	//["aabb", "a", "b"] -->lastIndex = 4
    	//["ccdd", "c", "d"] -->lastIndex = 8
        //null -->lastIndex = 0
        //reg.lastIndex can be changed manually
        reg.lastIndex = 4;
    	//["ccdd", "c", "d"] -->lastIndex = 8
    Copy the code
  2. String
    1. str.match(reg)

    Similar to exec, except that if reg is a global match, only all matches are returned, and no subexpression is returned. 2.str.search (erg)

    3. Str.split (reg)

    Return subexpression 4. Str.replace (reg,target)

    This is an outrageously powerful feature

       console.log(str.replace(reg, str));
       // The second $1 is the result of the subexpression 1
       console.log(str.replace(reg, "$1, $2");
       console.log(str.replace(reg, function ($, $1) {
           return $1 + 'abc';
    Copy the code

9.? : Does not capture groups

10. Qualifiers and locators

  1. qualifiers
  2. Localizers: Localizers do not match and cannot be used with qualifiers
    1. ^
    2. $
    3. (\ \ b b),

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