1. Introduce ECharts

  • Introduced through CDN such as jsDelivr

  • Tag directly into the built Echarts file

  • NPM download, import import

npm install echarts –save

import * as echarts from ‘echarts’;

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <! ECharts -->
    <script src="echarts.min.js"></script>
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2. Simple drawing of charts

Initialize an echarts instance with the echarts.init method and generate a simple bar graph with the setOption method

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        <! Echarts.js -->
        <script src="echarts.min.js"></script>
<! -- Prepare a Dom with size (width and height) for ECharts
<div id="main" style="width: 600px; height:400px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // Initializes the echarts instance based on the prepared DOM
    var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));

    // Specify the chart configuration items and data
    var option = {
    title: {
        text: 'Getting started with ECharts'
    tooltip: {},
    legend: {
        data: ['sales']},xAxis: {
        data: ["Shirt"."Cardigan"."Chiffon shirt."."Pants"."High heels"."Socks"]},yAxis: {},
    series: [{
        name: 'sales'.type: 'bar'.data: []]}};// Display the chart using the configuration items and data you just specified.
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3. Performance optimization

Import ECharts diagrams and components as needed

// Introduce the Echarts core module, which provides the interface required for echarts use.
import * as echarts from 'echarts/core';
// Introduce bar Chart and Chart with suffix Chart
import {
} from 'echarts/charts';
// Introduce prompt box, title, cartesian Component, Component suffix is Component
import {
} from 'echarts/components';
// Introduce Canvas renderer. Note that introducing CanvasRenderer or SVGRenderer is a necessary step
import {
} from 'echarts/renderers';

// Register the required components
    [TitleComponent, TooltipComponent, GridComponent, BarChart, CanvasRenderer]
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4. Detailed explanation of components and their properties

let option = {
    backgroundColor:'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.// Default palette
    color: ['#ff7f50'.'#87cefa'.'#da70d6'.'#32cd32'.'#6495ed'.'#ff69b4'.'#ba55d3'.'#cd5c5c'.'#ffa500'.'#40e0d0'.'#1e90ff'.'#ff6347'.'#7b68ee'.'#00fa9a'.'#ffd700'.'#6699FF'.'#ff6666'.'#3cb371'.'#b8860b'.'#30e0e0'].// Chart title
    title: {
        x: 'left'.// Horizontal position, default left alignment, optional:
                                   // 'center' takes 'right'
                                   // D {number} (x coordinates, unit: px)
        y: 'top'.// Vertical position, default is the top of the full picture, optional:
                                   // 'top' l 'base' l 'center'
                                   // D {number} (y, unit: px)
        //textAlign: null // Horizontal alignment, automatically adjusted by default based on x Settings
        backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.borderColor: '#ccc'.// Title border color
        borderWidth: 0.// Title border line width, unit px, default 0 (no border)
        padding: 5.// Title margin, unit: px, default margin 5 in each direction,
                                   // Accept arrays with upper, right, lower, and left margins, as with CSS
        itemGap: 10.// Vertical spacing of main and subtitle, unit px, default is 10,
        textStyle: {
            fontSize: 18.fontWeight: 'bolder'.color: '# 333'          // Main heading text color
        subtextStyle: {
            color: '#aaa'          // Subtitle text color}},/ / legend
    legend: {
        orient: 'horizontal'.// The layout mode is horizontal by default. The options are:
                                   / / 'horizontal' ¦ 'vertical'
        x: 'center'.// Horizontal position, default is the full image center, optional:
                                   // 'center' takes 'right'
                                   // D {number} (x coordinates, unit: px)
        y: 'top'.// Vertical position, default is the top of the full picture, optional:
                                   // 'top' l 'base' l 'center'
                                   // D {number} (y, unit: px)
        backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.borderColor: '#ccc'.// Legend border color
        borderWidth: 0.// The width of the border, in px, defaults to 0 (no border)
        padding: 5.// Inner margin of legend, unit: px, default inner margin of each direction is 5,
                                   // Accept arrays with upper, right, lower, and left margins, as with CSS
        itemGap: 10.// The interval between items, in px, defaults to 10,
                                   // In a horizontal layout, the spacing is horizontal; in a vertical layout, the spacing is vertical
        itemWidth: 20.// Legend graphic width
        itemHeight: 14.// Figure height
        textStyle: {
            color: '# 333'          // Legend text color}},/ / domain
    dataRange: {
        orient: 'vertical'.// The layout mode is vertical by default. The options are:
                                   / / 'horizontal' ¦ 'vertical'
        x: 'left'.// Horizontal position, default is left aligned, optional:
                                   // 'center' takes 'right'
                                   // D {number} (x coordinates, unit: px)
        y: 'bottom'.// Vertical position, default is the bottom of the whole image, optional:
                                   // 'top' l 'base' l 'center'
                                   // D {number} (y, unit: px)
        backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.borderColor: '#ccc'.// Range border color
        borderWidth: 0.// Range border line width, unit px, default 0 (no border)
        padding: 5.// The unit is px. The default value is 5.
                                   // Accept arrays with upper, right, lower, and left margins, as with CSS
        itemGap: 10.// The interval between items, in px, defaults to 10,
                                   // In a horizontal layout, the spacing is horizontal; in a vertical layout, the spacing is vertical
        itemWidth: 20.// The width of the field graph, linear gradient horizontal layout width of this value * 10
        itemHeight: 14.// The height of the linear gradient vertical layout is this value * 10
        splitNumber: 5.// Number of segments, default is 5, 0 is a linear gradient
        color: ['#1e90ff'.'#f0ffff']./ / color
        //text:[' high ',' low '], //text, numeric text by default
        textStyle: {
            color: '# 333'          // Range text color}},toolbox: {
        orient: 'horizontal'.// The layout mode is horizontal by default. The options are:
                                   / / 'horizontal' ¦ 'vertical'
        x: 'right'.// Horizontal position, default to the right of the full picture, optional:
                                   // 'center' takes 'right'
                                   // D {number} (x coordinates, unit: px)
        y: 'top'.// Vertical position, default is the top of the full picture, optional:
                                   // 'top' l 'base' l 'center'
                                   // D {number} (y, unit: px)
        color: ['#1e90ff'.'#22bb22'.'#4b0082'.'#d2691e'].backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.// Toolbox background color
        borderColor: '#ccc'.// Toolbox border color
        borderWidth: 0.// Box border width, unit: px, default: 0 (no border)
        padding: 5.// Box margin, unit: px, default margin in each direction is 5,
                                   // Accept arrays with upper, right, lower, and left margins, as with CSS
        itemGap: 10.// The interval between items, in px, defaults to 10,
                                   // In a horizontal layout, the spacing is horizontal; in a vertical layout, the spacing is vertical
        itemSize: 16.// Toolbox graphic width
        featureImageIcon: {},     // Custom picture icon
        featureTitle: {
            mark: 'Auxiliary wire switch'.markUndo: 'Delete guides'.markClear: 'Clear the guides'.dataZoom: 'Region scaling'.dataZoomReset: 'Region scaling back'.dataView: 'Data view'.dataView: 'Data view'.lineChart: 'Line chart Switch'.barChart: 'Bar chart switch'.restore: 'reduction'.saveAsImage: 'Save as picture'}},/ / prompt dialog box
    tooltip: {
        trigger: 'item'.// Trigger type, default data trigger, optional: 'item' axis
        showDelay: 20.// Display delay, add display delay to avoid frequent switching, unit ms
        hideDelay: 100.// Hide delay in ms
        transitionDuration: 0.4.// Animation transform time, unit s
        backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0.7)'.// Prompts the background color, which defaults to black with transparency of 0.7
        borderColor: '# 333'.// Prompts the border color
        borderRadius: 4.// Display a rounded border, unit px, default 4
        borderWidth: 0.// Prompt border line width, unit px, default 0 (no border)
        padding: 5.// The unit is px. The default value is 5 in all directions.
                                   // Accept arrays with upper, right, lower, and left margins, as with CSS
        axisPointer: {            // Axis indicator. Axis trigger works
            type: 'line'./ / the default value is linear, optional: 'the line' | 'shadow'
            lineStyle: {          // Line indicator style Settings
                color: '#48b'.width: 2.type: 'solid'
            shadowStyle: {                       // Shadow indicator style Settings
                width: 'auto'.// Shadow size
                color: 'rgba (150150150,0.3)'  // Shadow color}},// Format the display
            let showHtm="";
            for(let i=0; i<params.length; i++){/ / name of the x axis
                let name = params[i][1];
                / / name
                let text = params[i][3];
                / / value
                let value = params[i][2];
                showHtm+= text+ The '-' + name + 'Score:' + value+'<br>'
            return showHtm;
        textStyle: {
            color: '#fff'}},// Area scaling controller
    dataZoom: {
        orient: 'horizontal'.// The layout mode is horizontal by default. The options are:
                                   / / 'horizontal' ¦ 'vertical'
        // x: {number}, // horizontal position, default according to the grid parameter adaptation, optional:
        // {number} (x coordinates, unit px)
        // y: {number}, // vertical position, default based on grid parameters, optional:
        // {number} (y coordinates, unit px)
        // width: {number}, // specify the width, landscape layout default according to the grid parameters
        // height: {number}, // Specify the height
        backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.// Background color
        dataBackgroundColor: '#eee'.// Data background color
        fillerColor: 'rgba (144197237,0.2)'.// Fill the color
        handleColor: 'rgba (70130180,0.8)'     // Handle color

    / / grid
    grid: {
        x: 80.y: 60.x2: 80.y2: 60.// width: {totalWidth} - x - x2,
        // height: {totalHeight} - y - y2,
        backgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.borderWidth: 1.borderColor: '#ccc'

    // Default line chart parameters
    line: {
        itemStyle: {
            normal: {
                // color: different,
                label: {
                    show: false
                    // position: default adaptive, horizontal layout is 'top', vertical layout is 'right', optional
                    // 'inside'|'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
                    // textStyle: null // the global textStyle is used by default. See textStyle
                lineStyle: {
                    width: 2.type: 'solid'.shadowColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,0)'.// Transparent by default
                    shadowBlur: 5.shadowOffsetX: 3.shadowOffsetY: 3}},emphasis: {
                // color: different,
                label: {
                    show: false
                    // position: default adaptive, horizontal layout is 'top', vertical layout is 'right', optional
                    // 'inside'|'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
                    // textStyle: null // the global textStyle is used by default. See textStyle}}},//smooth : false,
        //symbol: null, // Inflection point graphic type
        symbolSize: 2.// Graph size of inflection point
        //symbolRotate: null, // Inflection point graphics rotation control
        showAllSymbol: false    // By default, only the main axis is displayed.

    // Text style Settings
    textStyle: {
        decoration: 'none'.fontFamily: 'Arial, Verdana, sans-serif'.fontFamily2: Microsoft Yahei.// IE8- Font is fuzzy and does not support mixing of different fonts, specify an extra copy
        fontSize: 12.fontStyle: 'normal'.fontWeight: 'normal'}}Copy the code