/*Subject is the observed and notifies all observers of any changes in its state */
    class Subject {
                this.state = "Initial state";
                this.observers = [];// Store all observers, and notify all observers when their state changes
                this.addobserver = function (observertmp) {
                this.changeState = function (data) {
                    console.log("State changed, notify all subscribers (observers)");
                    for(let i=0; i<this.observers.length; i++){this.observers[i].update(data);
                    this.state = data; }}}// An Observer is an Observer, and when changed by the Observer, the Observer calls its Update method
    class Observer{
                this.update = function(data){
                    console.log("Observer: Found state changed, new state value is"+data); }}}let observerOne = new Observer();
    let observerTwo = new Observer();
    let subject = new Subject();

    /* The observed state changes */
    subject.changeState("new state");
Copy the code

Once the observed state changes, all observers will receive the new state: