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A graph is a data structure consisting of a collection of nodes with edges. A graph can be oriented or unoriented. Diagrams have the following basic elements:

  • Node, the Node
  • Edge: Edge
  • | V | : the total number of vertices in the graph
  • | E | : the total number of connections in the graph

Implement a directed Graph class:

class Graph{
    constructor() {
        // Use map to describe vertex relationships in a graph
        this.AdjList = new Map()}}Copy the code

Create a graph by creating a node:

let graph = new Graph()
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AddVertex addVertex

addVertex(vertex) {
    if(!this.AdjList.has(vertex)) {
        this.AdjList.set(vertex, [])
    } else {
        throw new Error('This vertex already exists! ')}}Copy the code

A, B, C, D all correspond to an array:

'A'- > []'B'- > []'C'- > []'D'- > []Copy the code

The array will be used to store edges, and the following relationship is expected:

'A'- > ['B'.'C'.'D']
'B'- > []'C'- > ['B']
'D'- > ['C']
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Add edge addEdge

addEdge(vertex, node) {
    if(this.AdjList.has(vertex)) {
        if(this.AdjList.has(node)) {
            let arr = this.AdjList.get(vertex)
            if(! arr.includes(node)) { arr.push(node) } }else {
            throw new Error('Cannot add')}}else {
        throw new Error('Please add vertices first${vertex}`)}}Copy the code

Print figure print

print() {
    // Use for of to iterate over and print this.adjList
    for (let [key, value] of this.AdjList) {
        console.log(key, value)
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Breadth-first traversal of BFS

createVisitedObject() {
    let map = {}
    for (let key of this.AdjList.keys()) {
        arr[key] = false
    return map
bfs (initialNode) {
    // Create a map of the visited nodes
    let visited = this.createVisitedObject()
    // Simulate a queue
    let queue = []
    // The first node is accessed
    visited[initialNode] = true
    // The first node is queued
    while (queue.length) {
        let current = queue.shift()
         // Get other node relationships for this node
        let arr = this.AdjList.get(current)
        for (let elem of arr) {
            // If the current node is not accessed
            if(! visited[elem]) { visited[elem] =true
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BFS- Search algorithm with queue implementation, implementation steps:

  1. The start node acts as the start and initializes an empty object — visited;
  2. Initialize an empty array that emulates a queue.
  3. Mark the start node as visited;
  4. Put the start node into the queue;
  5. Loop until the queue is empty.

Depth-first DFS

createVisitedObject() {
    let map = {}
    for (let key of this.AdjList.keys()) {
        arr[key] = false
    return map

Depth-first algorithm
dfs(initialNode) {
    let visited = this.createVisitedObject()
    this.dfsHelper(initialNode, visited)

dfsHelper(node, visited) {
    visited[node] = true
    let arr = this.AdjList.get(node)
    // Call this.dfshelper to traverse the node
    for (let elem of arr) {
        if(! visited[elem]) {this.dfsHelper(elem, visited)
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DFS- Search algorithm using recursion to achieve the steps:

  1. The start node is used as the start node to create access objects.
  2. Call an auxiliary function recursively to the start node.

One last word

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