JavaScript implements binary search for numbers

Binary search number is a kind of binary tree. Only the left child node is allowed to be smaller than the parent node, and the right child node is allowed to be larger or equal to the parent node

  1. Create a Node constructor, Node, to create a new Node
function Node(val) {
	this.val = val;// The value of this object
	this.left = null;// The left child of this node
	this.right = null;// The right child of this node
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  1. Create a search tree constructor
function SearchTree() {
	this.root = null;/ / the root node
	this.length = 0;// The number of all nodes in the tree, including the root node
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  1. Add the insertTree method to the SearchTreet to insert new nodes into the tree. First, we need to judge whether the root node is empty, and then iterate from the root node. If the value of the node to be inserted is smaller than that of the parent node, it will be the left child node of the parent node, and vice versa. Return the object after the final insertion and increment length by one
SearchTree.prototype.insertTree = function(val) {
		// Create a node
		let node = new Node(val);
		if (this.root === null) {
		// If our root node is null, an initial search tree is required
			this.root = node;
			return this.root;
		} else {
			let curr = this.root;
			while (true) {
				// Iterate over the binary tree, placing the one smaller than the root node to the left and vice versa
				if (val < curr.val) {
					if(curr.left ! = =null) {
					// Continue iterating if left is not empty
						curr = curr.left;
					} else {
						curr.left = node;
						// Exit the while loop
						break; }}else {
					if(curr.right ! = =null) {
						curr = curr.right;
					} else {
						curr.right = node;
						break; }}}}this.length++;
		return node;
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  1. The former sequence traversal
SearchTree.prototype.prevErgodic  = function(node, arr = []) {
		if(node ! = =null) {
			this.prevErgodic  (node.left, arr);
			this.prevErgodic  (node.right, arr)
		return arr
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  1. In the sequence traversal
SearchTree.prototype.centerErgodic = function(node, arr = []) { 
		if(node ! = =null) {
			// Ascending sort
			this.centerErgodic (node.left, arr);
			this.centerErgodic (node.right, arr);
			// Sort in descending order
			//this.centerErgodic (node.right, arr);
			//this.centerErgodic (node.left, arr);
		return arr;
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  1. After the sequence traversal
SearchTree.prototype.nextErgodic.function(node, arr = []) { 
		if(node ! = =null) {
			this.nextErgodic(node.left, arr);
			this.nextErgodic(node.right, arr);
		return arr;
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  1. Obtain the minimum value, traversing from the root node to the left node to the leaf node, the leaf node is the minimum value
SearchTree.prototype.getMin = function(node) {
		let curr = node || this.root;
		if (curr === null) {
			return false;
		} else {
			while(curr.left ! = =null) {
				curr = curr.left
			return curr.val
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  1. The maximum value is obtained by traversing the right node from the root node to the leaf node, which is the maximum value
SearchTree.prototype.getMax = function(node) {
		let curr = node || this.root;
		if (curr === null) {
			return false;
		} else {
			while(curr.right! = =null) {
				curr = curr.right
			return curr.val
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  1. Checks if the value exists, returns this object if it does, false otherwise
SearchTree.prototype.getItem = function(node, item) {
		if (this.root === null) {
			return false
		} else {
			let curr = node;
			if (curr === null) {
				return false;
			} else {
				if (item < curr.val) {
					return this.getItem(curr.left, item);
				} else if (item === curr.val) {
					return curr;
				} else if (item > curr.val) {
					return this.getItem(curr.right, item); }}}}Copy the code

The test code

// Create an instance
const searchTree = new SearchTree();
// Create an array and loop in nodes to the searchTree
let max = 100;
let arr = [];
for (let index = 0; index < max; index++) {
	let item = Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
// Prints the original array
// Prints the array traversed before
// Prints an array of sequential traversal
// Prints the ascending array, compared with the middle-traversal array
console.log(arr.sort((a,b) = >a - b))
// Print the sequential traversal array
// Get the minimum value
// Get the maximum value
// Get the specified value node
console.log(searchTree.getItem(searchTree.root, searchTree.getMax()))
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