This is the 10th day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge

5. Currying

Currying is the technique of turning a function that takes multiple arguments into a single argument, and returning a new function that takes the remaining arguments and returns a result.

In short:

  1. Managed by closures
  2. Support for chained calls
  3. Each run returns a function

That is: the technique of returning a new function each run by replacing multiple arguments with a single argument

5.1 Examples of Currying

// The normal add function
function add (a, b) {
  return a + b;
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// Corylized function
function curryingAdd (x) {
  return function(y) {
    return x + y;
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5.2 Benefits of colitisation

  1. Parameters of reuse
  2. Confirmation in advance
  3. Delay to run
// Check the number
let numberReg = /[0-9]+/g;

// Verify lowercase letters
let stringReg = /[a-z]+/g;

/ / after currying
function curryingCheck(reg) {
  return function(txt) {
    returnreg.test(txt); }}let checkNumber = curryingCheck(numberReg);
let checkString = curryingCheck(stringReg);

console.log(checkNumber('13888888888')); // true
console.log(checkString('jsliang')); // true
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5.3 Currying implementationadd(1)(2)(3)

// Implement an ADD method so that the results meet the following expectations
add(1) (2) (3) = 6;
add(1.2.3) (4) = 10;
add(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = 15;
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function add () {
  const numberList = Array.from(arguments);

  // Collect the remaining parameters further
  const calculate = function() { numberList.push(... arguments);return calculate;

  // Use an implicit toString conversion, which is performed at the end of execution
  calculate.toString = function() {
    return numberList.reduce((a, b) = > a + b, 0);

  return calculate;

// Implement an ADD method so that the results meet the following expectations
console.log(add(1) (2) (3)); / / 6
console.log(add(1.2.3) (4)); / / 10;
console.log(add(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)); / / 15;
console.log(add(1) (2) (3) (4) (5.6.7)); / / 28
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Compose (foo, bar, baz)(‘start’)

function foo(. args) {
  return 'foo';
function bar(. args) {
  return 'bar';
function baz(. args) {
  return 'baz';

function compose() {
  // Closure element - function list
  const list = Array.from(arguments);

  // Closure element - function list execution location
  let index = -1;

  // Closure element - return of the previous function
  let prev = ' ';

  // Return the closure
  const doNext = function() {
    index++; // Add index values
    // Get the value of the second parenthesis when there is no previous element to start with
    if(! prev) { prev =arguments[0];
    // Set the previous result to be returned by the current function
    prev = list[index](prev);
    // Call recursively
    if (index < list.length - 1) {
      doNext(index + 1); }};// Return the closure the first time
  return doNext;

compose(foo, bar, baz)('start');
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The best articles

  • Detail JS function currying
  • Write the add function and add(1)(2)(3)(4) output 10. Then consider extensibility
  • Discover the power of closures in JavaScript
  • The underlying mechanism by which JavaScript closures work
  • I never understood JavaScript closures until someone explained them to me like this
  • Discover the power of closures in JavaScript
  • The underlying mechanism by which JavaScript closures work
  • I never understood JavaScript closures until someone explained them to me like this…
  • Crack the front-end interview (80% fail) : Start with closures