“This is the 13th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021”


Stream focuses on various efficient aggregate operations and bulk data operations on data sources. The Stream API treats the data source it processes as a Stream, which is transmitted and computed in a Pipeline. The supported operations include filtering, sorting, aggregation, etc., and the final processing result is obtained when it reaches the end point.

Overview: Stream is concerned with operations on data, dealing with the CPU.

  • Collections are concerned with storing data, dealing with memory

    • The Stream itself does not store elements.
    • Stream does not change the source object. Instead, they return a new Stream holding the result
    • The Stream operation executes lazily. This means they wait until they need results
    • Stream can be created in both serial and parallel modes.
  • Stream execution process

    • Instantiation of Stream
    • A series of intermediate operations (filtering, mapping,…)
    • Termination of operations
  • Description:

    • An intermediate chain of operations that processes data from the data source.
    • Once the termination operation is performed, the intermediate operation chain is executed and the result is produced. After that, it won’t be used again.

Simple to use

1. Create a Stream

Method one: through collections

List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); //default Stream<E> Stream (): returns a sequential Stream<Integer> Stream = list.stream(); ParallelStream = list.parallelstream (); //default Stream<E> parallelStream(): return a parallelStream <Integer> parallelStream = list.parallelstream ();Copy the code

Method two: Through an array

Int [] arr = new int [] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Static <T> Stream<T> Stream (T[] array) : Returns a Stream IntStream = array.stream (arr);Copy the code

Method 3: Through the of() method of Stream

    Stream<Integer> integerStream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Copy the code

Create a Stream infinite Stream

// iterate //public static<T> Stream<T> iterate(final T seed, Iterate (0, T -> T +2).limit(10).foreach (system.out ::println);Copy the code

Stream intermediate operation

Get some data:

class BoyData{ public static List<Boy> getBoy(){ List<Boy> list=new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new Boy("aa",20)); list.add(new Boy("bb",30)); list.add(new Boy("cc",25)); list.add(new Boy("dd",23)); list.add(new Boy("ee",28)); list.add(new Boy("ee",28)); list.add(new Boy("ee",28)); return list; }}Copy the code

Look at the following operation

2.1. Screening and sectioning

  • Filter (Predicate P) : Receives Lambda and excludes certain elements from the stream.
List<Boy> boyList = BoyData.getBoy(); // Create a Stream for subsequent operations. Stream<Boy> boyStream = boyList.stream(); // Exclude boys younger than 25 and print. boyStream.filter(b->b.getAge()>25).forEach(System.out::println);Copy the code
  • Limit (n) : Truncates the stream so that it does not exceed a given number of elements.
// Take the first two pieces of data and output them. boyStream.limit(2).forEach(System.out::println);Copy the code
  • Skip (n) : Skip elements, returning a year in which the first n elements were thrown away. If there are less than n elements in the stream, an empty stream is returned.
Skip (2). ForEach (system.out ::println);Copy the code
  • Distinct () : Filter to remove duplicate elements by hashCode() and equals() of the elements generated by the stream.
Distinct ().foreach (system.out ::println);Copy the code

Important: At this point you need to override the equals and HashCode methods in the javaBean, otherwise the methods will be invalidated.

Rewrite code:

@Override public int hashCode() { int result; long temp; result = 1; result = 31 * result + (name ! = null ? name.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + age; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(age); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(this==o){ return true; } if(o == null||getClass()! =o.getClass()){ return false; } Boy boy = (Boy) o; if(age ! =boy.age){ return false; } return name ! =null? name.equals(boy.name):boy.name ==null; }Copy the code

2.2, sorting,

// Integers <Integer> integers = Arrays. AsList (18, 43, 66, 22, 4, 97, 12); integers.stream().sorted().forEach(System.out::println); Sorted ((b1,b2)-> integer.sorted (b1.getage (), b2.getage ())).sorted(system.out ::println);Copy the code

Stream Terminates a Stream

True fragrance operation:

  • AllMatch (Predicate P) : Checks whether all elements match.
    • See if everyone is older than 20

      boolean allMatch = boyStream.allMatch(b -> b.getAge() > 19); System.out.println(" Is everyone older than 19:"+(allMatch==true? Yes ":" No ");Copy the code
    • Results:

  • AnyMatch (Predicate P) : Checks whether at least one element matches.
  • NoneMatch (Predicate P) : Checks if there are no matching elements.
  • FindFirst () : Returns the first element.
    • Returns the first boy

        Optional<Boy> first = boyStream.findFirst();
      Copy the code
    • Results:

  • FindAny () : Returns a random element in the current stream.
  • Count () : Returns the total number of elements in the stream.
    • It shows how many boys there are

        long count = boyStream.count();
      Copy the code
    • Results:

  • Max (Comparator c) : Returns the maximum value in the stream.
    • Output the maximum age value

        Optional<Integer> maxBoy = boyStream.map(boy -> boy.getAge()).max((b1,b2)->b1.compareTo(b2));
      Copy the code
    • Results:

  • Min (Comparator c) : Returns the minimum value in the stream.
  • ForEach (Consumer C) : Internal iteration.
    • Output all boys

      Copy the code
    • Results:

  • statute
    • Reduce () — You can combine elements in a stream repeatedly to get a value and return it.

    • Add up the ages of all boys

          Optional<Integer> sumAge = boyStream.map(boy -> boy.getAge()).reduce((b1, b2) -> b1 + b2);
      Copy the code
    • The results of

  • collect
    • Finds boys younger than 26 and returns them stored in a collection.

        List<Boy> boyList1 = boyStream.filter(boy -> boy.getAge() < 26)
      Copy the code
    • Results:

Thanks for watching, that’s all! I hope it will be your new favorite ~