An hour ago, JAVA 17 was released, an LTS (long Term support) release that brings a number of useful new features. Some of the new features of Java 17 have been described in previous articles, so you can refer to the article to confirm the new features of Java 17.

Oracle JDK free

JAVA 17 brings more than just new features. The faster LTS tempo and free Oracle JDK make it the best-supported modern version ever. Oracle JDK charge is criticized, this time Oracle launched Free Java License, summary:

  • Oracle is making the industry-leading Oracle JDK available for free, including all quarterly security updates. This includes commercial and production uses.
  • The new license is an “Oracle Free Terms and Conditions” (NFTC) license. This Oracle JDK license is free for all users, even for commercial and production use. Redistribution is allowed as long as there is no charge.
  • Developers and organizations can now easily download, use, share, and redistribute the Oracle JDK without a click.
  • Oracle will offer these free versions and updates beginning with Oracle JDK 17 and continue to offer them for a full year after the next LTS release. Previous versions are not affected by this change.
  • Oracle will continue to offer Oracle OpenJDK releases under the GPL in the same release and schedule as it has since Java 9.

Spring supports

Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3 will both be based on JAVA 17. Do you want to stick with JAVA 8?