Postman and Jmeter features:

(1) test case organization form Jmeter and Postman’s test case organization form is relatively flat. Jmeter organizes test cases through TestPlan; Postman organizes test cases primarily through collections.

Jmeter is the most powerful in terms of functions. It can test various types of interfaces (including Http, database, WebService, FTP, etc.). Those that are not supported can also be extended through the Internet or self-written plug-ins. Postman is lightweight and positioned differently, and can be used to test HTTP interfaces and Rest interfaces.

(3) Process control Jmeter supports Switch controller, If controller, random controller and a series of controllers to achieve process control, as well as Beanshell script; Postman requires JavaScript script control

Assertion Jmeter TestPlan, Threads Group, and Sampler can all add assertions; Assertions can be added to the Tests of Postman’s HTTP request.

(5) Script extension ability Jmeter supports Bean shell written in Java language; Postman supports scripts written in the JavaScript language

A TestPlan for Jmeter is a JMX (XML) file that cannot be split, but Jmeter has a merge feature that allows multiple files to be merged together. TestPlan can only be created by each team member, divided into functional blocks for testing, and finally organized and merged. Postman does have teamwork, but it costs a fee. Both Jmeter and Postman also support data parameterization, custom variables, log display, and more. Jmeter can also perform stress testing and performance testing in an unbounded Linux environment. In order to analyze the system bottleneck; Jmeter covers all of Postman’s functionality, so it’s highly recommended. Java Advanced Learning Materials and BAT interview questions 2019 EffectiveJava (3rd edition)