Previously on

In the first article, Java Operation Database (I) — JDBC Quick Start, we introduced JDBC fast start.

Since this is just a quick start, some things are not covered, such as how JDBC uses connection pooling, how JDBC enables transactions, and so on.

Therefore, this article will supplement the above information first.

Because native JDBC is cumbersome to develop, the result set obtained by SELECT is also valued column by column.

So here comes DbUtils, which automatically encapsulates our results into objects and makes it very easy to use.

Second, JDBC supplementary knowledge

2.1 Connection Pool (DataSource)

A Connection pool, a container used to manage JDBC-created connections, is analogous to our Java thread pool.

  • Function: It can reduce the repeated creation and destruction of connections and improve the efficiency of program execution as much as possible.
  • Principle (simplicity) : a number of connection pools are created in advanceThe connectionWhen the callThe close method of the connectiontheThe connectionWill come back toThe connection poolRather thanThe destruction.

There are many types of connection pools: DBCP, C3P0, Druid, Hikari, and so on.

We chose to use alibaba’s Druid.

First, we need to introduce Druid (Maven is recommended).

  • Jar package download address (extract code: 8b5L)

  • Maven depends on:

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Next, we use connection pooling to modify the JDBC utility classes from the previous article.

The above configuration is written directly into Java code, but in general development, it should not be in Java code, but in a file that stores configuration information (,.yml, etc.).

Configuration file location (adjustable) :

  • Non-maven projects:src -> configPackage and create onedruid.propertiesFile.
  • Maven project: Directly inresourcesCreated in thedruid.propertiesFile.

Druid. Properties:

# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = database related configuration (adjust) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/travel? useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC&rewriteBatchedStatements=true



# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Druid connection pool related configuration (can adjust itself, there are other configuration Settings) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

# Initial number of connections


# Maximum number of connections


Get the maximum connection wait time


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JDBCUtil. Java:

Lol, isn’t this tool class a bit crude… (Haha DbUtils did OwO for us because of close etc trivia)

One item at the end is a base item: one item for the highlight (●’◡’●)

public class JDBCUtil {

    / * *

* connection pool

* /

    static DataSource dataSource = null;

    / * *

* Static code block used to initialize connection pool

* /

    static {

        try {

            //1. Use the classloader to turn the properties file into an input stream

            InputStream is = JDBCUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("");

            Properties properties = new Properties();

            // Load the input stream


            //2. Create a database connection pool with the specified parameters

            dataSource = DruidDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(properties);

        } catch (Exception e) {




    / * *

* Gets the current connection pool

     * @return

* /

    public static DataSource getDataSource(a) {

        return dataSource;


    / * *

* access to the Connection

     * @return Connection

* /

    public static Connection getConnection(a){

        Connection connection = null;

        try {

            / / the Connection is established

            connection = dataSource.getConnection();

        } catch (SQLException throwables) {



        return connection;


    / * *

* Get Connection and start transaction

     * @return Connection

* /

    public static Connection getConnectionWithTransaction(a){

        Connection connection = null;

        try {

            / / the Connection is established

            connection = dataSource.getConnection();

            // Turn off auto commit, that is, turn on transaction. (!!!!!! You need to write your own business-related code and submit it manually)


        } catch (SQLException throwables) {



        return connection;



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2.2 JDBC Enabling transactions

(The above utility class has corresponding methods)

  1. Get the connection

  2. Turn off auto commit, that is, start a transaction

    java connection.setAutoCommit(false);

  3. Execute the process

    Java try{// business operation

    ¨ K46K

    }catch{// rollback connection.rollback(); }finally{// Close connection.close(); }

Quick start of DbUtils

Finally, it’s the turn of our protagonist DbUtils!

DbUtils is an open source project owned by Apache

3.1 introduction

So let’s take a quick look at what DbUtils do.

I’ll summarize it in a moment. (Poof, just to prove I got 233 from the website.)

In short: DbUtils can be used for efficient JDBC development, allowing you to focus more on querying and updating data (automated mapping of entity classes, etc.).


  • SmallDbUtilsNot much content, very fast, there are two main core:QueryRunnerandResultSetHandler.
  • TransparentYou just need to do the operations (write the SQL),DbUtilsWill performsqlReturns the result and closes the resource
  • Fast– the introduction ofDbUtilsReady to use, no additional operations required.

3.2 ` QueryRunner ` and ` ResultSetHandler `

QueryRunner and ResultSetHandler are the two cores of DbUtils.

3.2.1 QueryRunner introduction

QueryRunner’s main functions are: processing SQL statements, add, delete, change, and so on.

Common constructors:

// Constructor for QueryRunner that takes a DataSource to use.

// Pass a connection pool to QR to use

QueryRunner(DataSource ds)

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Common CRUD apis I’ll demonstrate in Section 4.

3.2.2 ResultSetHandler introduction

The main purpose of ‘ResultSetHandler’ is to complete the result mapping (using reflection), for example, we can find the result directly a User entity class.

Common mapping describe
BeanHandler Select * from user where id = 1 and so on
BeanListHandler Result set -> entity set (select * from user, etc.)
ScalarHandler Result set -> single data (such as select count(*) from user, etc.)

Common constructors:

// Creates a new instance of BeanHandler.

// This is the constructor for BeanHandler, passing in the Class type of the entity Class you want to convert, since reflection is still used at the bottom

// Other similar

BeanHandler(Class<? extends T> type)

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3.3 Hands-on cases

3.3.1 Creating the user table

You can simply create a user table.

create database if not exists jdbc_demo

use jdbc_demo

create table user


    id bigint auto_increment,

    username varchar(64not null comment 'account'.

    password varchar(64not null comment 'password'.

    constraint user_pk

        primary key (id)


comment 'User table';

INSERT INTO jdbc_demo.user (username, passwordVALUES ('user1'.'123');

INSERT INTO jdbc_demo.user (username, passwordVALUES ('user2'.'456');

INSERT INTO jdbc_demo.user (username, passwordVALUES ('user3'.'123456');

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3.3.2 Importing JAR packages

  • Mysql connector - Java - 8.0.19. Jar– mysql driver
  • Commons dbutils - 1.7. The jar– DbUtilsJar package download address (extract code: R7q9)
  • Druid - 1.1.22. Jar– the druid

3.3.3 Operation process

There are 6 items here, mostly for ease of understanding (●’ plus-one ‘●). In chapter 4, I’ll simplify the process.

// 1. Obtain the connection pool

DataSource dataSource = JDBCUtil.getDataSource();

// 2. Create QueryRunner and pass the connection pool as an argument to the constructor

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(dataSource);

// 3. Create related ResultSetHandle to form the result map

BeanHandler<User> userBeanHandler = new BeanHandler<>(User.class);

// 4. Write SQL statements

String sql = "select * from jdbc_demo.user where id = ?";

5. Execute qr's query method

// Parameter 1: SQL statement

// Parameter 2: ResultSetHandler

// Parameter 3: Replaces placeholders for SQL statements, similar to preparedStatement

// The underlying query is preparedStatement

User user = queryRunner.query(sql, userBeanHandler, 1);

// 6. View the result


/ / Perfect (low low ◡)

// User{id=1, username='user1', password='123'}

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Ha, ha, ha. With this small example, we successfully get information about the User entity class.

One smooth item: one item ahead (●’◡’●).

4. Introduction to common CRUD apis

4.1 Finding a Single data

The use of ScalarHandler

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

// 2.

// Tip: Write the handler first, then write the SQL statement, so there is a hint

Long query = queryRunner.query("select count(*) from jdbc_demo.user".new ScalarHandler<>());

/ / 3. Input


/ / 3

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4.2 Searching for Single Data

Use the BeanHandler

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

// 2.

// Tip: Write the handler first, then write the SQL statement, so there is a hint

User user = queryRunner.query(

    "select * from jdbc_demo.user where username = ?".

    new BeanHandler<>(User.class),


/ / 3. Input


{id=2, username='user2', password='456'}

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4.3 Searching for Multiple Pieces of Data

The use of BeanListHandler

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

// 2.

// Tip: Write the handler first, then write the SQL statement, so there is a hint

// You can also use where as an example

List<User> users = queryRunner.query(

        "select * from jdbc_demo.user".

        new BeanListHandler<>(User.class));

/ / 3. The output


/ / get

// [User{id=1, username='user1', password='123'},

// User{id=2, username='user2', password='456'},

// User{id=3, username='user3', password='123456'}]

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4.4 increase

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

// 2.

// Tip: Write the handler first, then write the SQL statement, so there is a hint

// You can also use where as an example

// Add, delete, and change are updates

int res = queryRunner.update("insert into jdbc_demo.user values (null,'user4','user4')");

/ / 3. The output


// A one item for a successful item (●'◡'●)

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We can see that the database does have new data.

The 4.5 update

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

// 2.

// Tip: Write the handler first, then write the SQL statement, so there is a hint

// Add, delete, and change are updates

int res = queryRunner.update(

    "update jdbc_demo.user set password = '123456' where username = ?".


/ / 3. The output


// A one item for a successful item (●'◡'●)

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As you can see, the data in the database has been modified.

4.6 delete

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

// 2.

// Tip: Write the handler first, then write the SQL statement, so there is a hint

// Add, delete, and change are updates

int res = queryRunner.update(

        "delete from jdbc_demo.user where username = ? ".


/ / 3. The output


// A one item for a successful item (●'◡'●)

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As you can see, user4 in the database has been deleted from OvO

4.7 Batch Operations

The same is true for batch inserts, deletes, and updates. (Remember to write rewriteBatchedStatements=true in the DATABASE URL)

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

/ / 2. The operation

// Using the batch method,

// Parameter 1: batch operation SQL

// Argument 2: binary array, number of rows -> number of executions, column -> replace placeholders

Object[][] params = new Object[10] [];

for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {

    params[i] = new Object[]{"lemonfish" + i, i};


// Batch represents the execution result of each line of statements

int[] batch = queryRunner.batch(

        "insert into jdbc_demo.user values (null,? ,?) ".



/ / 3. The output


/ / get [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] to complete success (low low ◡)

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As you can see, 10 data were inserted successfully

4.8 Transaction Operations

Transaction operations are a little different from the previous ones. QueryRunner handles transactions using connection (which is actually native JDBC), so we use our own packaged utility class to get connection.

Create QueryRunner

QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner();

// 2. Obtain the connection to start the transaction

Connection connection = JDBCUtil.getConnectionWithTransaction();

/ / 3. Business

// 3.1 Delete and add

try {

    int delete = queryRunner.update(connection,

                                    "delete from jdbc_demo.user where username = ? ".


    int insert = queryRunner.update(connection,

                                    "insert into jdbc_demo.user values (null,'user4','user4')");

    // 3.2 Manually create an error and view the rollback effect

    int error = 1 / 0;

    // 3.3 Manual Submission


catch (SQLException throwables) {

    3.4 Performing a Rollback




    // Remember to close



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Rollback rollback will rollback to the state before the connection SQL statement was executed in the event of code execution errors.

5. Packaging BaseDAO

DbUtils is pretty cool compared to native JDBC.

Don’t worry, there’s more to it

Next, we’ll wrap a BaseDAO that encapsulates some common add, delete, change, and query operations, and then use subclass inheritance to use them.

Add delete change check, a SQL fix

This is the BaseDAO code, basically integrating the previous API.

/ * *

* Encapsulate basic add, delete, change and review to reuse code

* /

public class BaseDAO<T{

    QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(JDBCUtil.getDataSource());

    / * *

* add deletion


     * @paramSQL SQL statements

     * @paramParams placeholder

     * @return

* /

    public boolean update(String sql, Object... params) {

        int result = 0;

        try {

            result = qr.update(sql, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {



        return result > 0;


    / * *

* Query a single value


     * @param sql

     * @param params

     * @return

* /

    public Object selectScalar(String sql, Object... params) {

        try {

            return qr.query(sql, new ScalarHandler<>(), params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {



        return null;


    / * *

* Query a single row


     * @param sql

     * @param clazz

     * @param params

     * @return

* /

    public T selectOne(String sql, Class<T> clazz, Object... params) {

        try {

            return qr.query(sql, new BeanHandler<>(clazz), params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {



        return null;


    / * *

* Query multiple rows


     * @param sql

     * @param clazz

     * @param params

     * @return

* /

    public List<T> selectList(String sql, Class<T> clazz, Object... params) {

        try {

            return qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<>(clazz), params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {



        return null;


    / * *

* Batch operation add delete change

     * @param sql

     * @param params

     * @return

* /

    public int[] batch(String sql,Object[][] params){

        int[] batch = new int[0]; 

        try {

            batch = qr.batch(sql,params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {



        return batch;



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  1. Write a UserDAO inheriting from BaseDAO

    Public class UserDAO extends BaseDAO<User>{public class UserDAO extends BaseDAO<User>{

  2. Using the instance

    UserDAO UserDAO = new UserDAO(); SelectOne ("select * from User where username=?") , User.class, "user1"); System.out.println(user); // 3. User{id=1, username='user1', password='123'}

Ha ha! Is not a simple SQL to fix the query OwO, add, delete, change, etc. Oh ~~

The underlying implementation of DbUtils is mainly JDBC and reflection (such as generating beans, and then calling setters, etc.), the source code is probably not very difficult, interested friends can read by themselves.

6. The DEMO source code

In order to facilitate you to get the DEMO code in the article, I put the DEMO source on Github, there is a need to partners can download oh (including all the code appeared in this article).

7. Write at the end

One item for a further look at your Java operation database (●’◡’)

Basically before touching the persistence layer frame, this is a better way to deal with it.

Feel free to point it out in the comments section if there is anything that is not well written

Hope everyone can make progress together, don’t forget to click 👍b(~ ▽ ~)d oh ~~