An unchecked exception instructions
ArithmeticException An arithmetic error, such as being divided by 0
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Array index out of bounds
ArrayStoreException Incompatible array element assignment types
ClassCastException Illegal type cast
EnumConstantNotPresentException Enumeration constants do not have exceptions. This exception is thrown when an application attempts to access an enumerated object by name and enumeration type, but the enumerated object does not contain constants.
EOFException File closed exception
Exception Root anomalies. Describes the situation that the application wants to capture.
FileNotFoundException No exception was found in the file
IllegalArgumentException Invalid argument to call method
IllegalMonitorStateException Illegal monitoring operations, such as waiting for an unlocked thread
IllegalStateException The environment or application state is incorrect
IllegalThreadStateException The requested operation is not compatible with the current thread state
IndexOutOfBoundsException Some types of indexes are out of bounds
IOException Input/output exception
NegativeArrayException An array with a negative subscript exception
NegativeArraySizeException Array size is a negative exception. Thrown when an array is created with a negative size value.
NullPointerException Illegal use of a null reference
NumberFormatException Illegal conversion of string to numeric format
RuntimeException Runtime exceptions. Is the parent class of all exceptions that can be thrown during normal operation of the Java Virtual Machine.
SecurityException Attempted breach of security
SQLException Operation database exception
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException An attempt was made to index outside a string boundary
TypeNotPresentException There is no exception for the type. This exception is thrown when an application tries to access a type as a string representation of its name, but cannot find the type given the name. This exception differs from ClassNotFoundException in that it is an unchecked exception, while ClassNotFoundException is a checked exception.
UnsupportedOperationException An unsupported operation was encountered
Abnormality examined instructions
ClassNotFoundException Can’t find the class
CloneNotSupportedException An attempt was made to clone an object that does not implement the Cloneable interface
IllegalAccessException Access to a class was denied
InstantiationException An object that attempts to create an abstract class or abstract interface
InterruptedException A thread is interrupted by another thread
NoSuchFieldException The requested field does not exist
NoSuchMethodException The requested method does not exist
error instructions
java.lang.AbstractMethodError Wrong abstract method. Thrown when an application attempts to call an abstract method.
java.lang.AssertionError Assert that fault. Used to indicate a situation in which an assertion failed.
java.lang.ClassCircularityError Class loop dependency error. When initializing a class, the exception is thrown if a cyclic dependency between classes is detected.
java.lang.ClassFormatError Class format error. Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine attempts to read a Java class from a file and detects that the contents of the file do not conform to the valid format of the class.
java.lang.Error Error. Is the base class for all errors and is used to identify serious program execution problems. These problems typically describe anomalies that should not be caught by the application.
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError Error initializing program. Thrown when an exception occurs during the execution of a class’s static initializer. A static initializer is a static statement segment directly contained within a class.
java.lang.IllegalAccessError Illegal access error. This exception is thrown when an application attempts to access, modify, or call a Field of a class, but violates the visibility declaration of the Field or method.
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError Incompatible class change error. This exception is thrown when an incompatible change has occurred to the class definition on which the method being executed depends. This error can occur when you modify the declaration definition of some classes in your application without recompiling the entire application and running it directly.
java.lang.InstantiationError Instantiation error. This exception is thrown when an application tries to construct an abstract class or interface using Java’s new operator.
java.lang.InternalError Internal error. Used to indicate that an internal error has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
java.lang.LinkageError Wrong link. This error and all of its subclasses indicate that a class is dependent on another class, and that after the class is compiled, the dependent class changes its class definition without recompiling all the classes, causing an error.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError No class definition error found. Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine or classloader attempts to instantiate a class and cannot find the definition of the class.
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError There are no errors in the domain. This error is thrown when an application tries to access or modify a field of a class that has no definition for the field in the definition of the class.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError There are no errors in the method. Thrown when an application attempts to call a method of a class that does not have a method definition in the class definition.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Out of memory error. This error is thrown when there is not enough available memory for the Java Virtual Machine to allocate to an object.
java.lang.StackOverflowError Stack overflow error. Thrown when a stack overflow is caused by applying a recursive call too deep.
java.lang.UnknownError Unknown error. Used to indicate that an unknown critical error has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError Error in unsatisfied link. Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine does not find a class declaration that is a native language definition for a native method.
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError Unsupported class version error. This error is thrown when the Java Virtual Machine tries to read a class file but finds that the file’s primary and secondary version numbers are not supported by the current Java Virtual Machine.
java.lang.VerifyError Validation error. Thrown when the validator detects an internal incompatibility or security issue in a class file.
java.lang.VirtualMachineError Virtual machine error. Used to indicate that the virtual machine has been corrupted or that there are insufficient resources to continue the operation.
java.lang.ThreadDeath Thread terminates. This error is thrown when the stop method of class Thread is called. It is used to indicate that the Thread is terminated.