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At the beginning of July, we launched a five-day Java course design in our college, requiring the assignment of the subject to be done within five days. Our group is assigned to the “library management system”, more than a month has passed, now please friends with me to review ~

Demand analysis

  1. Login interface (including user registration, administrator/reader login).
  2. Book/category management (including adding, deleting, modifying and checking books or book categories).
  3. Lending management (including: books lending, returning).

Due to time reasons, we only designed three major requirements. Demand analysis alone is not enough. It is better to sort out the system module structure diagram:

With the structure chart, our goal is more clear, can be very good division of labor for the team members, who has a problem with who, will not quarrel.

The detailed design

After sorting out the requirements and structure diagram, we can start coding as an individual. This class uses the standard introductory technology “JavaSE+MySql”.

I counted about 31 main classes and 1 SQL file.

Database design

Create a database named DB_bMS with 4 tables: user, bookType, Book, borrow. Details of the functions of each table are as follows:

  • User: accounts of storage administrators and readers.
  • Booktype: Stores information about the book category.
  • Book: Stores book information.
  • Borrow: Stores information about books that readers borrow.

The following table shows the “book” table structure:

DAO layer

Dao (Data Access Object) layer mainly does the work of data persistence layer, responsible for some methods of communication with the database are encapsulated here, in the design of dao layer first design interface, in the realization of corresponding functions, when using directly call corresponding interface. Belongs to a relatively bottom, more basic operation, specific for a table to add, delete, change, check.

The DAO layer is divided into two modules: BookDAO (books) and BookTypeDAO (book category).

The Service layer

The Service layer is the service layer, mainly responsible for the logic design of business modules. Since it is called the service layer, it is definitely a higher level layer structure compared with the DAO layer. It mainly encapsulates the operations of the DAO layer and combines the business logic with the DAO layer.

Corresponding to the DAO layer, the Service layer is also divided into two modules: BookService and BookTypeService.

The relationship between DAO and Service

The Service layer is built on top of the DAO layer. Only after the DAO layer is established can the Service layer be established. The Service is responsible for calling the DAO layer interface and returning the data returned by the DAO layer to the methods that call it (usually the Controller layer).

Come on, show


Many students are certainly suffering from the curriculum, but the tense curriculum is also a way for us to grow up quickly, learning computer itself is more thinking, more practice. I always believe that “there is no record, there is no memory”. Sorting out my thinking with words is actually a deliberate practice of thinking and deepening of memory. Every time I look back, I have different feelings.

Need project complete source partners, please pay attention to the public number: “wood section learning programming”, background reply “Java class set” can be obtained.

Attention can improve learning efficiency! I’m Mujie, see you next time! Peace~