Currently want to job-hopping to big factory, so decided to review from the Java foundation and the underlying source code bit by bit, this series will mainly write some Java foundation and source code learning. Wait until you’re done and then try to write an essay or something like that.


Java foundation: JavaWeb ServletConfig and ServletContext Java foundation: JavaWeb Request and Response Java foundation: Java foundation: JavaWeb JSP Foundation: JavaWeb EL expression

Java foundation classes

Java foundation: Integer — source code analysis Java foundation: String — source code analysis (A) Java foundation: String — String constant pool and INTERN (B) Java foundation: Enum — source code analysis

Java collection classes

Java Basics: HashMap – Source analysis Java Basics: ArrayList – Source analysis Java Basics: LinkedList – Source analysis Java Basics: TreeMap – Source analysis Java Basics: LinkedHashMap – Java source code analysis basis: HashSet/LinkedHashSet/TreeSet – Java source code analysis basis: the Vector/Stack – source code analysis

Java is a base class that is a little higher than the base

Java Basics: In-depth understanding of Class objects and reflection mechanisms


Java concurrent learning


NIO learning


JVM learning (1) — Memory structure JVM learning (2) — GC garbage collection mechanism (3) — class loading mechanism


Spring source code analysis


Mybatis source learning

The database

Inside MySQL Technology InnoDB Storage Engine reading notes


Algorithm — My Red-black Tree Learning Process Data Structure and Algorithm < A > Data Structure and Algorithm < B > Data Structure and algorithm < C >


Hadoop learning (a) – HDFS distributed file system Hadoop learning (two) – MapReduce Yarn architecture Hadoop learning – MapReduce Hadoop learning – Client source code analysis


Spark Learning (1) — Running mode and Running Process Spark Learning (2) — RDD base Spark Learning (3) — Stage and bandwidth dependent Spark learning — Performance Tuning (1) Spark learning — Performance Tuning (2) Spark Learning — Performance Tuning (3) Spark learning — Memory management Spark learning — sorting Shuffle Spark learning — Number of partitions Spark SQL learning — DataFrame and DataSet Spark SQL learning — UDF, UDAF, and the window function Spark Streaming learning — DStream Spark learning — Spark learning — Data skew

Spark Learn the RPC module source code Spark Learn the storage module source code Spark Learn the computing module source code

The Authoritative Guide to Spark book Notes


HBase Learning – Basic framework


Hive Learning — Basic Framework Hive Learning again


Zookeeper learning – Basic framework


Kafka learning – basic framework Kafka learning again Kafka core technology and combat < two > Kafka core technology and combat < three > Kafka core technology and combat < four > Kafka core technology and combat Kafka Core Technology and Combat


Flume basic learning


Redis learning – basic instruction redis learning – advanced features redis learning – directory

Several warehouse project

Count bin review notes < 1 > Count bin review notes < 2 > Count bin review notes < 3 >

Work on the pit

Spring Boot2.x and Redis Lettuce integrate logging pits mybatis multi-source logging pits, Database connection often disconnected problem Spark output custom file directory on pit (Java) Springboot integration Kafka rebalanced SparkStreaming read Kafka reported OffsetOutOfRangeException repeated consumption problem Kafka2.2.0 multiple threads causing Offset fetch error


2018 Year-end Summary 2019.8 interview, summary and planning Java program ape 2019 Summary 2020 year-end summary