1. Introduce the project architecture

Describe the overall architecture of the project, the system environment and software architecture can be covered in one sentence. Network architecture can be explained in terms of network topology, with server roles and business processes mentioned. Highlight key points in the O&M architecture: deployment and design of monitoring alarms, load balancing, redundancy, high availability, database clustering, storage, security, virtualization, and so on.

Describe the project as a whole, so that the interviewer intuitively understand the ins and outs of the project you introduced; The software side is software architecture.

The interviewer is not looking at how well the architecture is or how modular it is, but rather why it is being developed and what the benefits are in terms of that.

Software architecture is presented through hardware/software integration, such as firewalls, security, routers, information queuing, relational database systems, etc.

WEB programs involve different layers, and each layer uses a different technology, and further through the code to talk about the function of the program, such as assuming that the program needs user login access, talk about how in the program through the code.

2. Responsible for the technical part

You can skip the details, but be prepared for the interviewer to ask for details about the main parts of your work. After all, this will highlight your skills and skills.

3. What you think shines

Put forward what you think is good in the project, which can be architecture design or specific optimization details, or even coding implementation.

4. What you think needs improvement

This is one of the things that many people tend to overlook when introducing projects, which is to say, if time and resources allow, what needs to be improved on the existing project.

If you don’t, the interviewer will probably ask, so bringing it up proves you’ve put a lot of thought into the project.

5. Project management

If you are the person in charge of the project, you can talk about how to arrange the project schedule and how to solve the problems of time and personnel. This part can not only inspect the management ability of the person, but also inspect the team cooperation ability of the person.

Highlight your sense of responsibility

Every interviewer hopes to see a serious and responsible attitude towards work. At work, even if your skills are not very comprehensive or very good, but you are very serious and responsible for work, willing to learn and bear pressure, so that there is a value of training and in line with the enterprise’s concept of employment, the enterprise will seriously consider you.

7 Difficulties encountered in the project

The focus is on solving the problem by injecting baidu, Google and so on.

The value of the project

A project is not only the implementation of certain technologies, but also the writing of development, as well as the structure and module division of the project. Are the best things to learn from the project.

The project can be described as follows:

The whole project is based on B/S mode, using Struts, Spring, Hibernate, DWR and ExtJS five frameworks to achieve a gorgeous customer relationship management system. It is divided into View layer (display layer), Control layer (Control layer), Service layer (business logic layer), DAO layer (database access object layer).

By using the dependency injection and section-oriented features of Spring, the data persistence technology of Hibernate, the controller of Struts and ExtJS used in View layer realize the modules of user authority management, schedule, customer relationship management, sales management, file management, statistics, business contact management and so on.

The reason why someone is always better than you is because they are already better and are constantly trying to become better, while you are still satisfied with the status quo and secretly happy! Rational use of their every minute every second of time to learn to improve themselves, do not use “no time” to cover up their ideological laziness! While young, hard to fight, to the future of their own account!

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