On July 14, the OpenJDK management board unanimously approved the creation of the Client Libraries Group, with Phil Race as the initial leader, and approved the dissolution of the AWT, 2D, Swing, and Sound groups. The newly formed Client Libraries Group will continue to sponsor the OpenJFX and Lanai projects, but the Harfbuzz, Framebuffer Toolkit and Xrender Pipeline projects will be disbanded due to the loss of sponsorship.

The vote, launched on June 21 to members of the OpenJDK Governing Board, seeks to create a new working Group, Client Libraries Group, which combines existing AWT, 2D, Swing, and Sound together, while dissolving these groups. The long-dormant Harfbuzz, Framebuffer Toolkit and Xrender Pipeline projects were disbanded due to the loss of sponsorship. The mailing lists, static web pages, etc. of the old teams will be put together by the new head of the Client Libraries Group, Phil Race.

Phil Race is the Head of the 2D and Sound Group and is also the Head of the Lanai Project. Phil Race has been a member of the Java 2D Graphics team since 1999 and has contributed hundreds of changes to the client code. He has also served as the specification lead for JSR 15 (Image I/O Framework) and JSR 6 (Unified Printing API), Responsible for JEP 382 (new MacOS Rendering Pipeline) in the Java Development Kit (JDK) 17.

Will OpenJFX be affected?

While the OpenJDK management board has stated that it will continue to sponsor OpenJFX and Lanai projects, some developers are concerned about whether OpenJFX will be affected.

To this, the OpenJDK management board responded:

Don’t. The Client Group is a long-planned consolidation of AWT, 2D, Swing, and Sound groups, with the goal of getting rid of multiple mailing lists that often accompany the cross-posting phenomenon.

OpenJFX is an open source next-generation client application platform for JDK-based desktop and embedded systems. It is designed to provide a modern, efficient, and fully functional toolkit for developing rich client applications.

About the OpenJDK Management Board

The OpenJDK Governing Board is responsible for the architecture, operations, and overall health of the OpenJDK community. It upholds and upholds community bylaws, resolves procedural disputes, and ensures that community members have adequate infrastructure, but it has no direct authority over technology or distribution decisions.

Currently, there are five members of the OpenJDK Management Board:

  • Georges Saab (Chair, Oracle)
  • Samir Kamerkar (Vice Chair, IBM)
  • Mark Reinhold (OpenJDK Lead, Oracle)
  • Andrew Haley (At-Large, Red Hat)
  • Christian Thalinger (At-Large, Twitter)

Reference link:

  • https://mail.openjdk.java.net…
  • https://mail.openjdk.java.net…
  • https://www.mail-archive.com/…
  • https://openjfx.cn/