Alas downtime de, xu xu flow only, Jade belt forest hanging, jinzan snow buried.

Hanging in jade belt forest: dao refers to Lin Daiyu attack. Hang is belt, with bai Dai homophone du, Lin refers to “Lin surname”;

Zhi Jinchai snow buried: Jinchai, treasure chuai dao has a “gold lock”, engraved with “never abandon fangling forever”. Jin Chai is bao Chai. Xue Xue, that’s her last name.

Hung up: Hung up, not in use. It is suggested that Lin Daiyu came to this world for a walk and failed to marry her beloved.

Buried: buried, alluding to born beauty, intelligence unparalleled Xue Baochai, no perfect happiness of life, white was buried.

“Regrettable downtime, xu Xu pity only, Jade belt forest hanging, jinzan buried in the snow” meaning:

“Downtime de” refers to the story of yue Yangzi’s wife in yan state during the Warring States Period, who stopped her machine and did not weave cloth to encourage her husband to seek fame and virtuous virtue. In line with the feudal moral standards of women, known as “downtime de”, here is the treasure Chai.

“Xu CAI” refers to the talent of women to chant poetry, from the Jin Dynasty Xie Yi nv childhood story. Later generations praise can poetry good women for “xu xu” here refers to daiyu should be pitied.

“Jade belt hanging in the forest”, upside down, means “Lin Daiyu”. A good feudal bureaucrat’s belt, reduced to hanging on the dead wood, daiyu’s talent was ignored, the tragic portrayal of fate.

“Gold hairpin buried in the snow”, refers to Xue Baochai as shown in the gold hairpin general, buried in the snow, is not its place, suggesting xue Baochai must be cold and lonely situation. Although she defeated Daiyu and became the “Second grandmother of Treasure”, her prosperity did not last long. Finally, after Baoyu became a monk and left, she kept her boudoir empty and became a victim of feudal ethics.

Life is a matter of choice and regret.

If Baoyu chooses Daiyu, he cannot choose Baochai, and if he chooses Baochai, he cannot choose Daiyu.

Eventually Baoyu did not choose Daiyu, also did not choose Baochai, but with Shi Xiangyun married.