Thanks to all the lovely fellows who helped me

“If there is no money to make strength, there is little battle of wits, so as to spare time.”

I made a tough but firm decision, which may not be understood by everyone. I took a chance to try it while I still had the momentum. Sima Qian’s words just expressed that to make a change at the moment is a hurdle and a big problem to be jumped over.

Thanks to guangzhou partners:

Jiansheng, Anna recommended, xiangbo, Mozi, Yongge recognition, Wenhui tolerance, and the development process of Qiangge, Zhangrui, and other R & D, testing partners help, as well as the training process of Zou Wei’s help,

Thanks to hangzhou partners:

Thank you very much for the recognition given by Luoxiaohua and Binzheng in the CPP defense. I didn’t expect this sudden departure.

Mail Department is the only department (Website Department, dating Department) I have experienced in my career at netease:

It is also my personal loss to leave the department with the best salary, the most harmonious culture, the most balanced and happy life and work.

A lot of people ask why? Here’s a joke:

The first time to find, asked me if I was happy, I said doing happy, here is good, the other party said let’s talk about something else.

The second ask: Do I want to be happier? And then he opened it.

Almost half a year has passed between the two times. If the other party doesn’t come to me, it won’t change much now.

It’s not a problem for me to continue growing as a testing specialist for another 3-5 years, but there is always a wish.

At present, the automation planning of the mailbox has been completed and can be assigned to the team members. Before, it took about 7 months to build the platform framework with the efforts of the whole team, which is the credit of the team.

Now borrow the opportunity to let go to the partner to go out and try again, but also calculate a wish, anyway, entrepreneurship is not to play with your life, the biggest thing to start again to their own submission to the ground ^_^

Finally, FOR the test team members, I also give some suggestions for reference:

Don’t limit yourself to just working in the mail department. Consider the whole career plan and how to improve your combat effectiveness.

Invest in yourself, be ruthless and ask for more, and you will grow up, so that you can win a battle with risks in the future.

1, strong communication, light process

The process is dead, just to help everyone comply with the standard, but people are alive, communication first, can face to face efficient solution of the problem, do not email, here is only a small team, easy to communicate, important things say more than three times is not idle, testing is to give more feedback, more persistence.

Strong execution, do not lag behind

If anything is implemented, it must be implemented and put into place. When the supervisor finally asked, he said, “I don’t agree with your point of view, so I didn’t do it. Damn it, if you don’t agree, just say so, wasting everyone’s time.” If your team members disagree with what your supervisor is doing, unless you have very effective persuasion, you can ask questions,

But you have to do it, even if you are wrong, the supervisor will take responsibility, if you do not do it, you are naughty!

3, strong assistance, take the initiative

The testing of different products is everyone’s business and should be assisted by each other. It does not mean that I am in charge of A, but IF B goes wrong, IT is X’s business. The testing is mutual and each team member is responsible for it.

Daughter next to the stone, has been moving, Shouting father said, dad, I can not move, we detour.

Dad said, “Did you do your best? The daughter said, tried? Dad said, you use the resources around, call me for help?

Her daughter immediately understood and rejoiced.

When individual strength is small, give play to the strength of the whole team, mutual help, how to grow without loss? Instead, you earn experience points, like when you play a game to level up monsters, and you obviously have to watch boring repetitive graphics to level up monsters. Cool.

Stick to the right direction and have the courage to explore the road

At that time, I changed from development to testing, but I felt helpless and miserable. I didn’t spend any holidays for at least one year. Even DURING the Spring Festival, I was locked at home studying various testing technologies. And it turns out, yes, that there’s a pattern, and the more you go up, the more you realize: development is testing, testing is development, they go together. So don’t be afraid to take detours, the key is to realize the problem, reflect on it, evaluate whether to continue to go on, of course, I am not emphasizing that the way I bring you is the most correct, there will be some doubts, this is to go while answering, there will always be satisfactory harvest.

Technology has always been a helpless and painful route, since the walk, walk better.

Technology accumulation, production, to be broken out

No matter how successful you were in your previous company, you should hone your skills now. Automation tool script, any big things are accumulated in the childhood, very bad spend offline time learning, mail test group with a crew to entry platform development, often children fell asleep at night, come to me ask, Spring Festival is doing the summary email to me, this is the line down on his own, to grow, work 8 hours pay alone is not enough. Offline accumulation time is a bigger start.

Promote r & D focus on quality and strengthen awareness

Quality awareness, quality must be implemented, not to say on the site to make a slogan:

You must wear a safety helmet when entering or leaving the site, otherwise you will be fined 500 yuan

Quality lies in the usual bit accumulation, these things seem small, even at that time no income, once long-term persistence, accumulation, quality is quite considerable return.

7, automation do not blindly chase, to evaluate the rate of return on input and output ROI

Schopenhauer said, “Many things that at first seem important to us gradually become worthless through repetition.”

Addressing business pain points first, then creating more test value, freeing up manpower and boosting productivity.

Now even Tesla has admitted that there is a lot of use for manual automation.

8. Summarize test model and defect model

For example: different projects have the same module, how to better reuse test cases, improve testability, we need to gradually extract many common modules into models, beyond this are divergent thinking points of business characteristics, this is also very important thing

9. Keeping interests consistent with R&D, aiming for the landing of high business value, and considering problems based on risks

For requirements with high value points and high risks, how to identify changes in the research and development process and respond quickly should be summarized as a set of strategies in line with the team.

10. Pay attention to operational problems and summarize routines

When operating some problems, we can give feedback to product design problems and code design problems. In addition to following up and solving problems, it is more important to find out what rules we should be good at summarizing. Can we avoid them?

To tell you the truth, technology can’t make you rich at once (of course, momo and Snowball, my former colleagues, have also suffered helplily, but can not be found, many start-up companies fail, there is a successful). There is a joke on wechat: Why don’t you buy Tesla? Poor!!!! In a word

Being technically proficient and well done can also make you well off. It takes a lot of effort,

I left the previous company and hired a test director in Beijing with an annual salary of 60W-100W [2016]

Is that enough to buy a Tesla? Absolutely ok, of course the salary in Beijing is much higher.

Therefore, these are not important, the key is to have a direction, we all say Wuling Hongguang still open, still run, pull wind doesn’t matter, girls love to see.

The technologist’s point is not to say that wealth will enrich life (eventually it will have to be supported), but that at some point technology will change life,

To create higher income and accumulate skills in 2-3 years is something that needs long-term persistence. I have persisted for more than ten years.

I still find that I don’t know a lot of things. I often discuss technology with my wife at home. Technology is helpless and painful, but look at what Angle to do a cognition and make myself happy.

Anyway, after all, the reality is this: the domestic testing industry is fickle, easily disturbed and lost,

My former supervisor went to Canada, and emails came back and forth, and he said, “There are a lot of test engineers in their 40s and 50s from abroad,

I work hard, too. Do I have any reason not to try?

In the long run, it is impossible for a technician to stay in netease all his/her life. If he/she goes out from here one day, he/she will be proud of these on his/her resume:

How to grow up, bring results to the department, and have a sense of testing justice (which is a big deal),

Not lagging behind the industry’s testing standards, experienced the transformation of testing organizations, with a good testing vision.

(I believe that in this nearly a year to bring test technology training, we have benefited a lot, grow up)

Avenue to simple: r & D is test, test is R & D, like the spring breeze ten miles on your face, not as good as mail you, efforts in the present!

It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. Thank you.

(wechat official account: Bulletin board of Le Shao)