Recently there are often a message said self-study trouble for me, slow himself a man of good, good lost, also do not know whether or not to stick to it and so on, I have a lot of my readers in self-study experiences influence, so the proportion of self-study or pretty big, think of me it is necessary to write an article to you, let you more clearly identify self-study the road what is the most important point of a few!

1. The target

The road of self-study is very difficult, a person endure loneliness to learn those boring knowledge, is a normal person will feel pain. Therefore, it is very important to have a goal. For me, I learned programming by myself at the beginning because I realized that doing development can earn a lot of money. In addition, life was very hard at that time and I was in urgent need of money, so I made up my mind to study Android to earn more money.

I also believe that most people taught themselves to code basically the same way I did, in order to get a high-paying job. IT industry monthly salary is very common, 2-3 years of work experience to get 1W5 is very normal, outstanding ability can even reach 2W or even higher, but in other industries, especially traditional industries monthly salary of more than 10,000 is particularly difficult. Of course, the IT industry is also a dead wage, want to rely on programming to become rich is not easy, but want to rely on IT to support the family to lead a well-off level is not difficult.

So, set a goal for yourself, let’s say just like me, self-taught programming is for money, and the reality of the IT industry is indeed relatively pretty money!

2. Interest matters

I believe many people have goals set out to learn, may at first is to know about, to learn the basic knowledge, but about a month or so you should make sure you are not interested in this matter, although this is just a job, you just want to earn money, but the IT industry compared with other industries are not quite same, IT industry is a relatively bitter industry, continuous learning does not say, overtime is also common, if you are not interested in this, then you can not do IT, especially for self-study you, you even difficult to succeed in self-study.

So you need to ask yourself are you really interested? If you just make money, you can make money if you do well in other industries. If you are not very interested in it, or even have some resistance, then I advise you to give up as soon as possible, do not waste too much time, and quickly switch to another industry!

3. Don’t get bogged down

I am a very serious person. When I taught myself programming, I liked to get to the bottom of everything. For example, when I learned printf, I wondered why IT was written like this at first. Similar a lot of questions all want to ask after all, actually which have what why ah? He’s the norm, and that’s what you’re supposed to write.

I believe many people have the same experience with me, don’t understand the problems must be chased, actually to question the bottom of the plane is a good qualities, but for beginners is fast will use, you need to understand, don’t have to dig in, because of your level in there, you also don’t understand even delve into.

For example, when you were in junior high school, did you find junior high school physics difficult? Many places don’t understand, even if you do the title, but also don’t understand why, but in high school, one day you suddenly wake up, for junior high school, said what what principle is the way it is, you will feel the junior middle school physics was so simple, actually is the level to the because of you, back to understand the knowledge easily before. For programming the same truth, first to be able to “do the problem”, will be able to use it, don’t get bogged down, as your skills and experience improve, those you don’t understand before will collapse!

4. Do you want to go to training

Many people ask this question, worried that they can not learn, say should go to training?

I want to tell you, if you can get in university, in some cases, or 985 or 211 of the school, your learning ability has been proved that didn’t need to go to the training, have a plenty of time to self-study at school, if you have already graduated from work, so work at the same time, the use spare time to self-study, I believe that if you really want to learn you can find time. Many people know that I have been trained, but the biggest result of my training is that I got in touch with the IT industry and understood that there is a programmer in the world. Later, I changed my career to development, which had nothing to do with training, and completely depended on self-study in my spare time.

If you know your perseverance is very poor, learning ability is very poor, also can not find a good job, then this situation might as well go to training, after all, the training cost money, and also a lot of, I believe that money training you will be more motivated. However, you should know that training is just a way to get you started, and how far you can go depends on your ability to learn and keep working hard. If you think that spending money on training will give you a rest, then you can quit the industry!

So my advice is, don’t train if you can, and think about training only if you have to!

5. Persistence is the most important thing

In fact, the above are not the most important, the most important is only simple two words “insist”, you may think is chicken soup, but this is indeed the truth!

I set up my first QQ group two years ago when I wrote the blog “Android Learning Road”. At that time, it was July 2014, and I didn’t have time to manage this QQ group. That is to say, at the beginning, I occasionally communicated with people in the group, and most of them communicated by themselves. I looked at the group the other day from 500 to 300, and I took a survey in the group and said, “Two years, how are you all doing? Are you all working? Are your skills improving? Unexpectedly, most of the people in the group have a job, the technology has improved a lot than at the beginning, this is not my credit, this is the credit of their persistence, only 2 years of time imperceptibly they insist in such progress!

You study 2 hours of time is not difficult, difficult is you study 2 hours a day, if you can stick to it, as short as 3 months, as long as half a year, you will certainly learn something!

Someone asked me a question “why do so many people learn by themselves, many people fail, but you succeed? What is your strongest point compared with others? “My answer was that I had only one advantage over others: I persevered. I studied almost every day when I was studying on my own, no matter how late I worked, no matter on weekends or not. Even now, I do things in the company or, I do their own public account or, I decided to do things, I will regardless of personal danger stick to it, I do not know this thing is right, I am silly stick to it.

Nothing in the world can’t be done, only those who can’t hold on!

This article is originally published in wechat public number AndroidDeveloper “googdev”, perhaps the most humane technology public number, reproduced please be sure to indicate the source!