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In fact, I have wanted to write this article for a long time, because with the rapid development of science and technology and the Internet, people’s ability to think independently may be slowly disappearing. The ability to think independently is the most important ability for a person in work and life. People who have the ability to think independently and those who have no ability to think independently are definitely the biggest watershed to produce the value of life.

Before we talk about our ability to think independently being swallowed up, let’s take a simple example:

Li Xiaolai, he may be familiar with, a few days ago the recording gate incident, I think we have heard. Why can Li Xiaolai cut leeks? Because he has strong independent thinking ability, he has his own opinions. He reads and thinks to form his own cognition and summarizes good business thinking, so he can open columns and play blockchain.

And how about you? May be worship him, read his book, see his column, and slowly trust him, his every move may affect you, you may slowly have a trust in his words, when he reaps you, you will not hesitate to go when leek.

He has the ability to think independently and produce his own body of knowledge. What about you? Just read without thinking, so he can reap you money. How about you? Can only be leek.

The example may not be the right one, but the idea is right.

Why is your ability to think independently being eaten away?

Think about it. What’s hot right now? Short video debate is very hot, knowledge payment is very hot, all kinds of books open book is very hot, very hot behind is now a kind of anxiety in society. I find that in today’s society, few people can calm down to read a book, watch a good TV series. Do you think that’s the case?

Now we’re drawn to short, fun videos, summative columns, book summaries. A lot of people, now watch TV series are 1.5 times, even 2 times the speed of watching. Many people simply don’t have the patience to think and watch a classic movie. Instead, they watch various 10-minute interpretations of the movie for fun and to finish the plot.

There are a lot of people who buy columns and read other people’s opinions on a particular issue, their interpretation of a particular issue, rather than thinking about it for themselves, maybe what other people say is what they say? Not thinking about the logic behind it, but being pulled by other people’s thinking.

There are a lot of people do not read directly, zhihu opened the reading things, find a lot of celebrities directly summarize the book, a book of hundreds of thousands of words, with 15 minutes can listen to.

It’s all about listening and watching. What is the purpose of a good TV play or movie, from the plot to the structure and grasp of the whole play? We have no patience to see, lack of thinking. A classic book, the author of the purpose of writing this book, the grasp of the plot and the use of characters in the book, where good? Why is it good? We don’t think, we just listen to what people tell you. The view of a hot event, why did it happen, where did the contradiction fall? What’s the final deal? We lack of thinking, but are directly guided by public opinion, led by big V.

So our ability to think for ourselves is really being eaten away.

Why does this happen?

A lot of people say, why is this happening? Because of the fragmentation time, we can only look at these short ones, because we are such a fickle society now, everyone is so busy. No one has time to read a complete book, no one has time to watch a complete TV play, no one has time to understand the cause and effect of an event in detail.

But is that really the case? I don’t think so. There are plenty of people who have time to read a complete book, plenty of people who have time to watch a good TV show, and plenty of people who have time to understand the ins and outs of an event. Why can’t you? You may be asking too much.

Asking too much? How to speak? Because you come home at night, and you want to play a game, and you want to watch TV, and you want to read a book, and you want to check twitter. I go home for a few hours at night, and I want to watch it all.

Also, there are too many interesting things in this society every day. Games come out one after another, books come out one after another, and events come out one after another every day. I want to finish them all, how to do? Dry play not come over, see not come over, can only do so, see others’ summary.

Fragmented time, can only do fragmented things, but learning is not overnight, or accumulated over a long period of time, thinking and thinking is also generated over time. Therefore, do not blame the original sin on this impetuous society, not the society is too impetuous, but you are too impetuous. Because there will always be people who use their time wisely and grow into better people.

Swallowing the ability to think for yourself is like breathing secondhand smoke

Watching other people’s summaries of TV shows and movies, watching other people’s opinions and interpretations of events, watching other people’s thoughts and summaries of books, is like smoking secondhand smoke. I don’t need to talk about the dangers of secondhand smoke, do I?

Smoking is harmful to smokers, but it is more harmful to secondhand smoke. If other people’s interpretation is wrong and you have no thinking ability and cognition, your understanding of a certain book or event will be more wrong or even wrong.

Everyone has a different understanding. If the world’s understanding of an event or a book were all written by one person, the world would not be rich and colorful.

Therefore, when the world is fickleness, we should calm down to read a book, to watch a complete TV series, to pay attention to the cause and effect of a certain event, and then think for ourselves.


It does not mean that my independent thinking about this book is the most important, nor does it mean that my independent thinking about the result of a certain event is the most important, nor does it mean that my independent thinking about a certain TV or movie is the most important. But by thinking independently step by step, forming the habit of independent thinking is the most important. If in the future, you develop the habit of thinking independently and have your own independent opinion on everything, you may see the world differently from others. You’re more likely to spot opportunities, and you’re more likely to succeed. Because it’s probably the person that you find this thing first, not the person who’s following somebody else, not the person who’s inhaling secondhand smoke. After all, the first person to eat crab is the most likely to succeed.

PS: My article is my thinking, you read, does it count as secondhand smoke? If you have the ability of independent thinking, have their own cognition, so, you can criticize my article, find my shortcomings, take its essence to discard its dross.

– Long press to identify concerns –

Technology, workplace, products, thinking

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