It’s been a really tough year

Hello, it’s Friday, December 10, 2021

Hi, I’m a front end. It’s been a tough year, but I made it.

I’ve been through this year

I was a sophomore at the beginning of this year, enjoying life in our junior college. It’s been the same time in the library, working on my favorite front end. It’s pretty easy every day.

It is really not long, in June of this year, that’s right as follows: firstly, a sophomore year next semester will belong to you in June has no campus life that went out to find their own practice work, because even now I also have learned at this stage the front two years, I and his team at the time, even we meet a lot of on idle fish list some extra money, But are some graduation design, wechat small program ah these things do not have what technical level. This kind of experience makes me feel that I am really quite good.

Started looking for a job to open boss direct hire, good guy this shijiazhuang front end work is really a lot of ah there are a lot of initiative to contact me, “hello, your company is still recruiting interns? Please write me back so I can send you my resume that you can look at.” “, “Well, would you like to come in for an interview sometime?”, “Yes, would you like to have an interview this afternoon?”, “Yes.” When I arrived at my interview site, I went to a small room crowded with a lot of people, what was going on?? I don’t know. I didn’t look around to see what happened. “You’re a college student? Haven’t graduated yet?” “Yeah, right.” “Sorry we don’t need interns.” Oh, my God? Ah? What the hell is going on? Forget it!

So I was really speechless, but DID not expect speechless in the back, in Early June and July I met such a company Shijiazhuang this is how? Did not find a job to arrive at the beginning of July all the time, because I am outside rent a house every month at least expense must want 1000 this 1000 have to seek my father to want, but very unfortunately the company of my father closed down he also did not have money, ah ah ah ah my father say I also did not have method you oneself hurriedly seek a job to feed yourself ???? Was really like experience for a month, fold the result also to this situation was really crashed, but has not yet been completely collapse, I interviewed a company behind, at that time only think about what the company can let me make some money quickly I must live, hold this attitude soon found a company, the company has three people… After less than a week I couldn’t stand it. It was a terrible place to be.

I chose to leave, home know to call me to say, is a job you dry first, which have you so a bit of opportunity also grasp. We won’t give you any more money. well

Now I really collapsed, but I still have my light, my grandma and my object, my grandma is old I also really reluctant to find him for money, my daughter-in-law said, “MY school sent poverty subsidy I now have more than 2000 dollars to raise you two months certainly no problem!! I will wait for you. “You may not know that my daughter-in-law was a freshman at that time, and when she was a freshman, girls began to flatter themselves. I often said that you should also buy some cosmetics to dress up yourself. I didn’t expect to help. I really appreciate my daughter-in-law.

From that moment on, I felt THAT I could not degenerate and try my best again. Interview interview interview finally on August 9th, I entered a company that AT least I felt quite ok. However, the salary for me was still a little low.

I have to say, this company is really helpful. It gives me enough time to study every day. Almost every day, I am tired of studying.

So far life has been pretty good and delicious but ready to move on to bigger goals!

I hope my things can give you some encouragement, quite a quite certain can past !!!!!

Therefore, the day will be down a great responsibility so that people will first suffer from their mind, labor their bones and muscles, hungry their body skin, empty of their body, the action of the brush chaos its, so the patience, had beneficial its can not.

What I learned this year

Although this year has been very difficult, I have made the biggest progress in the front end field, so I sorted out the skills I have mastered this year to encourage!


  1. Basic use of vue3
  2. The setup syntactic sugar
  3. Encapsulation hooks
  4. Template relation
  5. Use of JSX in VUE

Indignation background management system

This is I use Vue3.2.6 + vite + pug + TailwindCSS + Springboot to write a background management system, before I write this system IN Github I looked at a lot of open source background management system, and he can play beyond it

I’ve wrapped a lot of hooks, forms and tables that I’ve done enough to wrap them. Take a look at the following code


const dataFormOptions: Array<FormItem> = [
    label: 'User name'.key: 'userName'.value: ref(' '),
    render(formTtem) {
      return useCreateInput({
        inputPropsOptions: {
          size: 'small'.placeholder: 'Please enter user name',},refState: formTtem.value,
    label: 'User account'.key: 'accountNumber'.value: ref(' '),
    render(formTtem) {
      return useCreateInput({
        inputPropsOptions: {
          size: 'small'.placeholder: 'Please enter user name',},refState: formTtem.value,

DataForm(ref="modalForm" :form-config="{}" :options="modalFormOptions" )

// What is in formItem
export interface FormItem {
  key: string | number
  label: string
  value: Ref required? :boolean // Must be filled in?validator? :(value: FormItem, message: MessageApi) = > boolean // Customize the validation rulemaxLength? :numberdisabled? : Ref<boolean> / / disable?path? :stringoptionList? : Ref reset? :(formItem: FormItem) = > void // Customize the resetting form methodbeforeRender? :(formItem: FormItem) = > Promise<any> // Life cycle before rendering functionrender? :(formItem: FormItem) = > VNode // Render component
Copy the code

So that’s the end of the form and I’ve wrapped the built-in methods for that form

    / * * *@description: Resets the form (clears the form) */
    function reset() {}

	   / * * *@description: Update the form */
    function update(it: any) {}

    / * * *@description: Gets the value of the form *@return {Object} The form value */
    function generatorParams() {}

    / * * *@description: Enable form validation *@return {boolean}* /
    function validator() {}

Copy the code

Encapsulating this form I took an idea from an open source project and made some innovations.


Seriously, this CSS is so comfortable that I suggest you use it as well


  1. Template > ast > vnode > render
  2. I wrote the principle of responsiveness by hand
  3. The principle of componentization is written

I have become more familiar with VUe2, and I haven’t finished writing it yet. I may write an article to share with you after finishing it

Haojiahuo scaffolding

This is my own scaffolding, which can be really messy, with automatic build engineering project initialization files, automatic page generation and so on I won’t say.

What’s really important is my mind, and my mind has changed a lot in programming this year.


The rest of me do not know what to say, I wish myself better and better, I wish you also better and better, such as we together hand tear vue3 source dry over !!!! Next year with graduation certificate job-hopping!! And the most grateful or my daughter-in-law! My wife wonderful!!