When it comes to this APP test, we may encounter some interview questions like this in the interview. Today, I will give you a simple combing of the APP interview questions of software test engineers.

This article was first published on the public account: Programmer Yifan

APP interview questions

1: What kind of test content does App test have?

2. What’s the difference between Web testing and APP testing?

Eight out of ten of you will be asked these two questions if you have interviewed recently, or if you have interviewed in the past.

How do we answer these two questions?

First, there are similarities and differences between them.

Whether it is APP test or Web test, the testing process is the same. After we get the requirements of the project, we analyze the requirements, make test plans, write test cases, execute test activities and output test results.

It doesn’t matter if you’re testing an app, a Web test, a terminal test or some financial product, the process is the same.

The second thing they have in common. The same goes for designing use cases. Equivalence classes, boundary values, scene methods… So these use case design methods, it can be applied to any product or any project.


Terminals are different: one is the Web side and the other is the APP side.

For the Web, it’s on our PC, it’s accessed through a browser, and the browser is on the PC.

For apps, it’s on a phone, or some tablet. In this category of mobile devices, for mobile devices it’s running on ios or Android and this is their terminal.

What about the second difference? Let’s say the environment is different.

The Web testing environment is relatively stable, whether you’re on a corporate PC, a PC at home, or a PC in a public place. Its environment is relatively stable.

App testing, the environment is relatively complicated, for example, I have a lot of apps installed on my phone, and when I go through the underground passage, some network is weak, and then you go to the border of provincial capitals or international borders. There may be multiple network coverage, which is relatively speaking its environment is more complex.

If you’re going to do app testing you have to think about that.

The third architecture is different, web testing is a B/S architecture.

App tests it as a C/S architecture.

B/S architecture means that we do not need to install these websites on the Web, and we can access them directly through the browser. B refers to the browser.

So app testing, you have to go to the app to install, through the way of the client to access.

When they do specific testing without the network, or when they do feature testing, there are a bunch of nuances, depending on how you do an analysis.

! [](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/24361498-d3c0026d3b401062.png? imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)

This is one of the most common interview questions we have, and if you come across this kind of question in the future, you have a plan!

Have a harvest of friends remember to support it!

And then the first question is, what exactly does App testing consist of?

First, we need to know how to test/fit the app function +UI

! [](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/24361498-ef7cdd49e680285f.png? imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)

Fit testing is also called compatibility testing, so here’s another interview question, what’s the difference in compatibility between Web testing and app testing?

! [](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/24361498-dd9310be9151a73b.png? imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240)

More interview questions can pay attention to my public number: programmer Yifan, organized an interview, 216 pages, free to everyone, reply [interview questions]. Hope to help you! Just a thumbs up!