Column | chapter nine algorithm

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This paper summarizes the frequent interview questions of IT technology positions in recent years, including personal background questions, cultural questions, experience questions, technical questions, algorithm questions, etc. Tips on preparation and response are also given.

Personal Background

1. Why do you want to work for us?

Tips: Your answer should show that you’ve done your research on the company and are taking the interview seriously. But at the same time, don’t be overly emotional, flattering or overenthusiastic.

You can identify a few points, such as how the company culture fits in with your own values, and express your sincere desire to work for the company.

2. Have you used one that our company uses

Programming language/technology?

Be honest. If you don’t have much exposure to the things mentioned, be honest. Because if you lie about using the programming language/technology, you might run into problems on the technical side, and it would be bad if you couldn’t. In this case you can say something about the language you are familiar with and show that you are a good learner.

Remember: the company values a candidate’s attitude and ability to learn.

3. What projects have you worked on in your past jobs?

Tips: Keep your answers brief. Don’t ramble on, as this can make your description seem tedious to the interviewer, so you need to briefly describe successful projects in your current job.

If you don’t have previous work experience, be honest about it anyway, by mentioning some successful projects you did in school or in your internship.

Do you have any managerial experience?

Tips: Don’t think this question is limited to technical work management. If you’ve led a team or taken a leadership role in a volunteer effort, even if it was on campus, speak up.

Also, make it clear that even in your leadership role, you are involved in everything your team members do. Because teamwork is very important for both work efficiency and team cohesion.

5. How big was your team and what projects did you work on?

Tips: This is an extension of the previous question and should be answered with specific details about teams and projects you have worked on.

Why did you choose your current employer?

Be honest, but don’t just mention money and benefits, although the interviewer probably knows those are important.

Talk about how you are attracted to the company culture, the satisfaction you are likely to get from your new job, and the sense of accomplishment you will get from successfully completing tasks in your new job.

Cultural adaptation problem

1. What excites you about joining our team?

Show your knowledge of the company and your desire to be a part of it by telling the interviewer what interests you most about the company.

But be careful not to be so emotional that it doesn’t seem real.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

Companies want employees who have a good work-life balance. So in answer to this question, name a few things you enjoy about your life, but don’t say: Except when I’m in the office writing code, when I go home, I play games.

You can give yourself several different hobbies, such as reading, crafts or DIY. Social or group activities, such as being a member of a hockey club or a local hiking trail, can show the interviewer that you have a variety of interests. Because it gives the interviewer a side view of your character, your creativity, your ability to think independently, your ability to work in a team and solve problems.

And the interviewer will determine if you’re a good fit for their team based on this question, so don’t say “I don’t have hobbies.”

3. You like your current job and work environment

In what ways?

Tips: Never say you don’t like your job. Instead, identify what does your company do well, such as its emphasis on work-life balance and its home-like atmosphere. For example, you can feel a sense of accomplishment at your company by doing something to solve a real problem or meet a customer need.

If you don’t have work experience, talk about what you liked about your studies or internship.

Describe your ideal company culture

Tips: Do your homework on this question! If the company you are applying for is relaxed and fun, and you say that you prefer a quiet company with strict discipline, that would be awkward.

So do your homework ahead of time to make sure your ideal atmosphere fits the company’s culture.

5. What part of your work environment do you feel like

Had a big influence on you?

Tips: This question depends on the culture of the company you are applying for. For example, you might say that a relaxed environment, a collaborative work environment, etc., has influenced you and explain why.

6. Your co-workers think you’re on the team

What role do you play?

Answer honestly and don’t be overly apologetic. This question can show how socially conscious you are and whether you are perceptive enough to recognize how others perceive you.

This question also shows how well you know yourself, whether you know your strengths and weaknesses, and what you can bring to the team.

7. Tell me about a decision you made based on customer data.

Answer this question clearly and in detail. Data is playing an increasingly important role in the workplace, and interviewers want to know if you have analytical skills. So you need to be able to analyze the data that customers present to you, draw conclusions, and make decisions based on that analysis.

You can describe how you received the data, what decision you made based on the data, and whether or not the decision received positive feedback.

Empirical problems

1. Records of daily work (tasks)

What tools do you like to use?

Be honest, don’t say anything fancy. If you’re not using Trello Boards, Asana, or some other management app, it’s perfectly fine to take notes with paper and pencil.

Because this question mainly depends on whether you are good at managing and tracking your tasks so that you don’t make mistakes at work. But don’t say, “I don’t use tools. I use my head.”

2. When reviewing another team’s code

What’s the most important thing?

Tips: Don’t limit your thinking. This question tests the extent of your knowledge, your ability to express your ideas clearly, and your narrowness of vision.

So don’t just say one thing, because there’s more than one answer to this question. You can answer it in the following ways:

Functional readability, maintainability, security, simplicity, regulatory requirements for resource optimization

3. Describe your programming process from start to finish

Tips: Articulate the process. Go through the process before the interview, and think back to the beginning, when you do a task, what is the first thing you do? Take a pen and paper and divide it into smaller tasks? List DDLS on your calendar?

In this question, the interviewer wants to see if you have a clear idea of your programming process and your organizational language skills. Failing to speak up may suggest that you are disorganized and unorganized in your work project.

4. When you write code,

What are the common things to consider to try to avoid mistakes?

Present a logical response. The key to answering this question is not to give the impression that you are writing code without thinking about it before writing it.

5. What language do you use for complex algorithms?

Answer truthfully, but preferably in at least two languages. This shows that you are not limited to just one area.

XXX is my first choice, but XXX is also a good choice.

6. How do you design scalable apps?

Tips: This question tests your knowledge and logical thinking. Answer by stating what factors you would consider to ensure you avoid performance problems.

Note: Make sure you know before you answer whether the interviewer is talking about scaling, scaling, or both. (原文 : Is the interviewer talking about scaling up, scaling out, or both?)

7. In your career

What project are you most proud of? Why is that?

Tips: This is an opportunity for you to shine. The project doesn’t have to be fancy, it could be something as simple as writing an app in a new programming language or solving a problem plaguing many users in a team project.

Remember: Don’t brag too much, just say you are confident and proud of what you have achieved. When answering the question of why you are proud, give a positive result, such as: Because it met a real need of a customer, it made me feel fulfilled.

8. Describe a project that failed.

What happened?

Tips: This question examines self-awareness and self-expression skills. From this question, the interviewer wants to see that you are not afraid to learn from your mistakes.

So answer this by telling the interviewer why the project failed and how you took the time to disentrench the project and point out what went wrong. Then express that you will pay special attention to that problem every time you work on a project after that.

Conceptual technical issues

The technical questions are designed to test the interviewer’s ability to think and do things under pressure, so even if you feel confident with the concept questions, revise.

You can do the online quiz before the interview and have a partner to review with you, because there will be time pressure and atmosphere pressure in the interview, and the more familiar you are with the concept questions, the less mistakes you will make.

Here are some common technical questions to ask in an Uber interview:

What is the difference between a mutex and a semaphore? 2. What is multithreaded programming? 3. What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable? 4. You have a single-threaded C standard application that keeps crashing, but never in the same place. What are the possible reasons? 5. What is the difference between queue and stack? 6. What is regression testing?Copy the code

The algorithm

This part of the interview is the most difficult, because programming is not only done in a high-pressure environment, but in an unfamiliar way, such as whiteboard handwriting, and with time constraints.

So if you want to pass the programming questions interview, be sure to scan the algorithms on LintCode several times in advance. There are a variety of programming questions you may encounter during an interview. Here are some typical ones:

1. Linked lists (delete duplicates, reverse, determine if it is circular) 2. Big-o complexity analysis: What is it? How to use it? 3. Tree: Basic construction, traversal and operation algorithm. You need to know how to implement a balanced binary tree. 4. Stack (implement a queue with two stacks) 5. Array and string (reverse string, permutation)Copy the code

“Algorithm interview high frequency questions class” summarizes the algorithm interview high frequency questions of Google, Facebook, Amazon and other IT enterprises in recent years, help you classify and summarize, analyze the approach, and provide the solution template.

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  • What are the characteristics of Google/Facebook and other large companies?

  • By four questions, for example, a Google/Facebook/Linkedin/Amazon company characteristics

  • Analyze the distribution of interview algorithm types in It enterprises

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