IT Information Selection (2021-07-26)

Gold Nugget Information (2021-07-26)

1. Microsoft has its own Linux publisher, CBL-Mariner. Apple plans to introduce Face ID unlocking on Macs, which is currently only available on iphones 3. Zuckerberg: Facebook will be a ‘metaverse’ company, and the ‘metaverse’ will be the successor to the mobile Internet Digital power to accelerate the development of smart city Potential network security issues how to solve? 5. IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 RC released! 6. CWE released the latest list of 25 dangerous software vulnerabilities memory corruption vulnerability ranked first 7. Malicious NPM packages steal passwords through Chrome’s account recovery tool 8. 9. The Redis Remote Code execution vulnerability CVE-2021-32761 was discovered! Akamai DNS Global outage Paralyzes major Websites and online services 11. Tao department front-end architecture – weekly – 210726 issue

InfoQ Hot Topics (2021-07-26)

1. The world’s top open source chess engine was “plagiarized”, and he was outraged to Sue 2. The six-year-old app is about to disappear, as developers and Apple’s reviewers clash again. How will Web applications be built in the future? 4. What if Station B collapses? 5. How did I handle half a million transactions in a few minutes in AWS Lambda? 6. Seven NiuYun product launch | in the name of “PISA” open intelligent transport reform age 7. Seven NiuYun 8. | native cloud storage technology and practice of seven NiuYun | Auting identity of cloud technology exploration and practice 9 landing. Seven NiuYun | double middle technical design share 10. Seven NiuYun | cloud era of native API gateway Apache APISIX technology practice 11 landing. Seven NiuYun | TDengine architecture design and application in the cloud service 12. 13. React Native will embrace a major architecture upgrade, and performance will be greatly improved 14. 5 popular natural language processing libraries and introduction usage 15. Tesla’s $1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin was wiped out on paper; With the implementation of the “double reduction” policy, discipline training institutions shall not be listed; Automatic grab WeChat Lucky Money plugin developers are PanPei 4.75 million | AI weekly 16. CRUD moved brick two or three years, how to read the Spring source? 17. Kuaishou jointly proposed a new depth and timely defect prediction model with Southern University of Science and Technology and UIUC | ISSTA 2021 Paper Interpretation 18. 19. NoOps is here. What’s the future for DevOps engineers?

Open Source Information (2021-07-26)

1. Java Flight Recorder – Event mechanism detail 2. Cve-2021-2394: Cloud Native distributed stream Database (HStreamDB) version 0.5 5. MixPHP V3 release, what changes and features 6. WICC 2021 all “new” debut! 8. NPM warehouse was infiltrated, and the account recovery tool of Chrome can be used to steal the password 9. “Change” and “Constancy” of Open Source: Round Table Meeting of Leaders of Seven Open Source Foundations (Part 1) 10. Why is the tracking link broken when the Dubbo app is connected to Skywalking? 11. Work with global developers to promote the Internet of Everything, 2021 EdgeX China Challenge is convened! Twitter removed Google’s FLoC support 13. Azul — desktop GUI framework written by Rust and C++ A daily blog | depth resolution Lucene lightweight full-text index principle 15 Gitee recommendation | micro services across different library table under the data aggregation to achieve polymeric 16. Ghidra 10.0 release, NSA software reverse engineering framework 17. Wine may implement reflink support for application prefixes

Bloggarden News (2021-07-26)

1. The fans in the broadcast room exceeded ten million, and Hongxing Erke brought many “sad brands” to the fire. First view! 3. Fast charging alleviates endurance anxiety, who will solve “safety” anxiety? 4. High fidelity face change let Shen Teng return to the peak of appearance level! 5. What can technology do when heavy rains and floods come? 6. Ningde Times vs. AVIC Lithium: Patent war? 7. Alibaba, Tencent and other giants were fined: Why did the state attack anti-monopoly? 8. 3 pages cited 17,915 times! Physicist Stephen Weinberg, who inspired Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time, dies at 88 10. On the perfect stock and Hong Kong stock, nio Ideal Xiaopeng why toss? 11. Byd Han Colliding with Beiqi Polar Fox Alpha S: Fire after standing! 12. Should esports players be given another chance? Boeing completes test preparations for the OFT-2 orbital flight. The world’s first 600 km/h high-speed maglev train will be carried. Ele. me: Merchants in zhengzhou and other 6 cities will be free of commission for a month in August 17. Amap mobile version V5.3 officially released: Four new features no longer afraid to miss the exit 18. Avoid wading risks! Huawei’s patent exposure of automatic driving Water Depth measurement 19. OPPO affiliated company became a shareholder of Dang Ying Network Technology Co., Ltd. with a shareholding ratio of about 71.43% 20. What does the launch of Apple search Advertising (ASA) mean?