Brief introduction:With the popularity of cloud native technology in China, Istio has been more and more widely used by developers in China in the past two years. Almost all CSP in China are creating and running their Service Mesh products based on Istio. Since the first Istiocon Technology Summit held in February 2021, developers have expressed a strong desire to see and participate in more Istio Technology Meetups, so that more technology enthusiasts can share and communicate with each other.

With the popularity of cloud native technology in China, Istio has been more and more widely used by developers in China in the past two years. Almost all CSP in China are creating and running their Service Mesh products based on Istio. Since the first Istiocon Technology Summit held in February 2021, developers have expressed a strong desire to see and participate in more Istio Technology Meetups, so that more technology enthusiasts can share and communicate with each other.

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