Delicious value: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Palate: Pomegranate, red raspberry

  • Dining room technology weekly warehouse address:

The experience is better when viewing the PC terminal in the warehouse, and a Star is the biggest support for the canteen.

The current paper

  • ECMAScript proposal: Types as Comments
  • Vitest v0.6.0
  • What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 100)
  • How to Upgrade to the React 18 Release Candidate
  • What’s going on in your node_modules folder?
  • Solid-.js feels like what I always wanted React to be
  • The Story of React
  • Rust data structures and algorithms
  • Red Hat and IBM Node.js reference architectures
  • The truth about dependency management – front-end package manager exploration

Hello everyone, I am Tong Oba. Welcome to this week’s Front End Canteen Tech week, where we start with last week’s tech news.

Technical information

  1. ECMAScript proposal: Types as Comments

TypeScript has launched a surprising proposal to add type comments to JavaScript code, allowing them to be examined by type checkers outside of JavaScript. At run time, the JavaScript engine ignores them, treating the types as annotations.

The goal is to enable developers to run programs written in TypeScript, Flow, and JavaScript’s other statically typed supersets without any translation, as long as they stick to some sizeable subset of the language.

For TypeScript and Flow, there will be less need for language degradation over time, so the main task of converting them to JavaScript is to remove type annotations.

By making JavaScript itself support type annotations, you can reduce the number of build steps, break through the limitations of JSDoc type annotations (which are long and unexpressive), and make it easier for users to get the benefits of static typing.

  1. Vitest v0.6.0

Vitest recently released version 0.6.0 with the addition of in-file tests, similar to Rust’s module tests. If you are not familiar with it, you can follow this link to the official website.

  1. What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 100)

With the 100th release of Chrome just around the corner, Chrome DevTools adds the following features:

  • View and edit the @Supports rule in the Styles pane

  • Recorder panel improvements (default support for common selectors, custom selectors, etc.)

  • The Sources panel previews class and function property information while debugging the hover

  • Performance Added a frame category to the Performance panel

  1. How to Upgrade to the React 18 Release Candidate

React 18 is now available as a Release Candidate (RC) with detailed upgrade guidelines.

Let’s look at the technical data below:

Technical data

  1. What’s going on in your node_modules folder?

The node_modules folder is known to be one of the heaviest objects in the universe. 90% of the code in most projects comes from open source, much of it we never read, and it runs on our laptops and servers with all the permissions. It’s a miracle the system works at all.

Using NPM install to download dependencies is like eating a buffet, with no one stopping you from loading up on your plate. But if you overindulge, it can also take a toll on your health.

Either way, we have to be responsible for the code we deliver into production, whether we write it ourselves or open source. The sockets in this article provide the ability to quickly evaluate package security and health scores. For code that triggered a security problem, you can jump directly to the line of code that caused the problem for your review.

  1. Solid-.js feels like what I always wanted React to be

React Since Hooks, it’s actually simpler to write code compared to the Class component (not exactly cleaner, but relatively), but because there’s no responsiveness, we need to declare dependencies proactively, which can easily lead to errors. So what does Solid. Js do? Read this article for details.

  1. The Story of React

React was not well received when it was first released because it was a completely different stack from what everyone had been using before.

Backbone. js, the first popular JavaScript framework, and Angular, the React framework.

  1. Rust data structures and algorithms

An open source Rust ebook containing algorithm analysis, basic data structures and algorithms, as well as some practical knowledge. There are 9 chapters in total and the contents are as follows:

  • Computer science
  • Algorithm analysis
  • Basic data structure
  • recursive
  • To find the
  • The sorting
  • The tree
  • figure
  • In actual combat
  1. Red Hat and IBM Node.js reference architectures

Red Hat and IBM have put together some best practices for Node.js.

  1. The truth about dependency management – front-end package manager exploration

How many front-end package managers do you know?


Why so many package managers? What are the problems with different versions of each package manager? What is dependency nesting, and what are ghost dependencies? This article will take you through these questions.

Good article recommendation

Here are some of the best articles of the week:

  1. Do you really understand GIFs? Analyze GIF files and some strange GIF features

This is a deep dive into the nature of GIF.

  1. It’s always been you, Canvas2D

Take a look at what apis canvas has evolved.

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