Are the cute people interviewing UI designers always asked to look at your portfolio? The importance of portfolio for designers can be said to be self-evident, portfolio is not only the best proof of the designer’s design ability, but also a golden stepping stone for job hunting. But creating a great portfolio isn’t easy. Don’t worry, here are 20 examples of Mockplus’ UI designer portfolios that will get you inspired. Let’s enjoy ~

1. Yitong

Yitong currently Coinbase work in San Francisco, he not only love the design, the technology is full of enthusiasm, in his own words, “the use of technology in the design process, designers can create more high-quality products, and even some products beyond the technical limit, so, I can better achievements in the work.”

His portfolio, with its concise and clear navigation, is divided into three parts: work presentation, About me and mailbox. Yitong skillfully demonstrates his extensive work experience. Each of his works has a beautiful cover, some are product hi-res, some are animated GIFs, some are even directly presented in video form, and he carefully summarizes each project.

2. Jeremiah Shaw

Jeremiah Shaw is a designer specializing in 3D illustration, animation, interface design and branding. He currently designs 3D games for children at Google and has worked at Dropbox, Apple, and Color Labs. The navigation of his portfolio is unique, not following the usual style, but in the right sidebar. Shaw uses advanced black and white fonts and colorful geometric shapes to create a nice contrast.

Shaw also displays each of his designs in detail on the details page, where you can see the entire design process. His work Geo Jam Band, for example, covers the design process from pencil drawing, modeling, color, animation, sound, soundtrack, setting and setup, from pencil drawing to final use of the scene.

3. Balraj

Balraj is a freelance designer living in London, UK. He is passionate about user interface design and can also write code. His portfolio looks professional and advanced. Circularchaos looks more like a personal site than a portfolio site. His website mainly consists of five parts: home page, About me, design process, portfolio and contact page.

You can check out his work on the portfolio page of his website, which is also broken down into categories such as animation, branding, coding, illustration, interaction, presentation, UI design and user experience design. In addition, Balraj shared his design process, which includes user requirements, brainstorming, UX design, visual design, prototyping, animation, and testing. This is a fast iterative and adaptable design process that can well address user needs.

4. Charlie Waite

Charlie Waite is director of Experience Design at GoPro and a former interaction designer at Focus Lab. He also enjoys writing, and his articles are published on Medium. The front page of his portfolio has an interesting design, with a funny CTA on the front screen that says “Say Hello!” “As if greeting you. The interface is split into two parts. When you scroll, the left side of the interface stays still while the right side displays a different background scrolling effect.

5. Mengdi Zhang

Mengdi Zhang is a product designer currently working for DigitalOcean in New York. Her collection of works is one of my favorites, which is really beautiful. The hand-painted illustrations and leaves are very beautiful. I couldn’t help wanting to know this designer at the first sight. She has a single-screen design, and you can click the dot button below to see more pages. Also, her resume is consistent with her portfolio style and can be downloaded in PDF format.

6. Simon Foster

Simon Foster is an award-winning front-end web designer. He focuses on responsive web design that is intuitive, easy to use and beautiful. If you see his portfolio for the first time, you might think it’s just a bunch of black and white pictures scattered all over the screen, but if you hover your mouse over it, the black and white cover immediately takes on color, which is very fun. Foster also shared his ideas for web design.

7. Sebastiaan de With

Sebastiaan de With, co-founder of Halide Cama, is also a freelance designer and photographer. He likes icon design and user interface design, and the biggest highlight of his portfolio is that he has a personal blog. Writing is a plus for designers, and it is a reflection of designers’ ability to express their design thinking well. In addition, the animation of the portfolio is not very fun, and when you open the web page, his self-introduction is automatically typed on your screen, as if he is introducing himself in front of you.

8. Bady

Bady is a singapore-based user interface designer who currently works full-time in a bank. He loves design and believes it is the best way to solve human problems. His portfolio uses plenty of white space, a clean and comfortable interface, and includes a journal for design inspiration.

9. Beta Takaki

Beta Takaki is a UX and UI designer based in Vancouver. Although this portfolio focuses on UI design, he is passionate about user experience and user interface design. If you’d like to see a detailed case study of his work, you can contact him on linkedin. Takaki uses a grid arrangement to display his designs, which looks orderly and structured. The most attractive or the first screen background picture, very beautiful.

10. Dan Shin

Dan Shin is a new York-based designer who currently works as a product designer at Square. The layout of his portfolio is concise and reasonable, and consists of three main parts: the home page, the project list and the presentation of his work. Large images and large text create a strong contrast on the home page. Shin also uses a parallax roll design.

11. Mark Wheeler

Mark Wheeler is a designer who focuses on interaction and interfaces. He is from the UK and now works in Seattle. His portfolio page is navigated by a drawer, which opens to a detailed list of all projects and portfolios.

12. Sam Small

Sam Small is currently working in Kansas City as a UI/UX designer at Citrusbyte. The highlight of his portfolio is the bold color palette, which is like a tray of color boxes without being messy.

13. Kristen DeGraff

Kristen DeGraff is a product designer who specializes in UX and visual design. She has worked with many teams to overcome project challenges and create user-centric design solutions that enhance the brand experience. His portfolio has three highlights: an icon, a fixed social media share button on the right and a resume in downloadable PDF format.

14. Corey Snyder

Tangerine Industries (TI) is a solo collection of work by Corey Snyder. Corey Snyder is very famous, he’s an Emmy award-winning designer. Horizontal scrolling is a novelty in his portfolio.

15. Jackie Ngo

Jackie Ngo currently works at a startup and has done Design work for brands including Uber, Apple, Beats Music, ZURB, MadeService, Zooka Creative and 1185 Design. Expertise in visual design, UX/UI, front-end development, illustration and branding. Ngo’s greatest design talent is the flexible use of fonts, which is simply the icing on the cake. The Ngo portfolio also uses the parallax rolling design.

16.Liana Kong

Liana Kong graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in May 2015 with a BACHELOR’s degree in Industrial Design. She is currently a designer at Nest. Each of her works has a beautiful little white icon on the cover, which makes the interface look more coherent and smooth.

17. Bryan Medway

Bryan Medway is a creative director with over 17 years of design experience. Medway is a bold color designer, using red as a background color and hover color. Red is a good color to attract users’ attention and influence their mood and behavior.

18. Kelly Kim

Kelly Kim is a UI designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. His portfolio designs use large images with parallax scrolling effects that are visually striking.

19. Dine Initium

Dine is a creative design studio based in Beijing, China. It’s a collection of all the designers from their studio, and the front page provides a subscription channel where you can subscribe to their information and learn about their latest designs.

20. Agustin Schelstraete

Agustin Schelstraete is a product designer who works at a startup. His portfolio takes the form of a contrast of large white text on a black background, giving visitors a strong visual impact, and the text is very readable.

These are the 20 selected UI portfolio cases. Hope gives you inspiration.

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