Is there a future on the front end? Today, Longwall Xiaobian Liu xiaobian to talk about the future of the front end? Web front-end development engineer can be said to be a hot industry in recent years, the advantages of high salary, attracted more and more people to learn.

Simple front-end is to do the page, so in the era of the rapid development of the Internet, how about the front-end prospect? Is there a future on the front end? With the popularity of wechat applets and app downloads, will the space left for web pages become smaller and smaller? Big companies are indifferent, but for small companies and their efforts to do web pages, it is better to open a public small program. So is there a future in front-end learning?

The front end is more than just web development. Micro channel small program and App, in fact, can not leave the front end category. In particular, wechat small program, almost is the front-end monopoly of the world, only in the direction of small program, as a front-end engineer, pure technical level we can:

Deeply cultivate micro channel small program, support micro channel small program business in the enterprise

Horizontal expansion of multi-platform applets, including Alipay applets, Baidu applets and other businesses.

Based on applets, develop applets related framework. Taro, MPVue, etc., which are already mature, should be learned and optimized both at compile time and run time

On the basis of multi – platform applets, the cross – applets development technology and cross – end development technology are studied

Vertical deep ploughing small program bottom, to end technology expansion.

Can be engaged in front-end development engineer, website front-end engineer, webpage production engineer, front-end production engineer, website reconstruction engineer, etc. You can also meta development, such as a JAVA backend front-end, do a partial UI front-end, these will be your advantage.

Is there a future for the front end? The answer is certainly there, well, the following Xiao Liu to share how to learn the front end:

How to learn the Web front end?

1, is to choose a suitable way of learning web front-end learning, training institutions and teachers teaching mode and personal acceptance of teachers are the key to affect your learning way.

2. Choose a systematic cutting-edge Web front-end training course system for learning. The design of courses of general front-end training institutions is more or less based on the development needs of enterprises, so it is more suitable for learning and finding a job.

3. Make a reasonable learning plan according to the actual situation, and arrange the daily learning content, learning duration and practice time.

4. Communicate more in the learning process. When you encounter problems in the web front-end training, you can discuss with your classmates or friends or directly find the teacher.

The above is the content of the future of the front end shared by Jing Xiaoliu, hoping to help you.