The comparison of frameworks is not to distinguish between superior and inferior. Each framework has its own application, advantages and disadvantages. Here is just a combination of their own feelings, enumerate some points, whether to clarify the status quo or seek solutions, hope to pool wisdom.


  1. Modular NgModule — Vue is manual programming
  2. Dependency injection – Vue is not clear
  3. Observable, highly integrated with RxJs, is definitely available in Vue, just not out of the box like Angular

These are the core and weights of Angular, and are not suitable for large or medium-sized projects.


  1. Evaluate properties get and watch — Angular uses getter accessors, observable objects
  2. Mixins — presents no
  3. Route component parameter – Angular None
  4. Componentlisteners attr and attr and attr and listeners — Angular None
  5. Dynamic component — Angular None

In addition to the first point, Vue these, say big or small some function points, it is really very practical to use. Maybe Angular’s design doesn’t touch on these points. What’s the best implementation?

Ps: Why publish articles with the tag angular.js?