1. If the navigation bar is initialized by xiB or storyboard, there will be a problem with the push animation from hiding the navigation bar to showing the navigation bar. The solution is to manually initialize the navigation bar
  2. The present becomes not full screen, oknav.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreenI’m going to set it to fullscreen to go back to fullscreen and if it’s present navigation, I’m going to set it to the navigation
  3. The selectStyle of the cell is missing. It may have set the background color of the child view or contentView
  4. Night mode can be set in info.plistUIUserInterfaceStyleA value ofUIUserInterfaceStyleLightForce change to daytime mode
  5. Top divider of tabbar
            if # available (iOS 13.0. *) {
             let appearece = self.tabBar.standardAppearance
             appearece.shadowColor = UIColor.theme.grey05
             appearece.backgroundImage = nil
             self.tabBar.standardAppearance = appearece
         } else {
             self.tabBar.shadowImage = UIImage(color: UIColor.theme.grey05, size: CGSize(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width, height: UIConstHelper.lineHeight))
             self.tabBar.backgroundImage = nil
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