This is the 17th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021.

The introduction

Android application market needs software, computer software copyright registration required materials:

  1. The source code
  2. APP Operation Manual
  3. Information collection table

Next, I would like to share the materials for the IOS app launch

Preparation before shelves

1.1 Opening personal or company account (Renewal)

Renewal of membership through Apple Developer App is not supported if registration is completed through Apple Developer website.…

1.2 Preparation before shelving

  1. App Icon (1024x1024px), name, Bundle Identifier (BUNDLE IDENTIFIER)
  2. User agreement and Privacy Policy website (registration agreement available), App version, audit test account information.
  3. keywords
  4. The app description
  5. Use of technical support website (available on the company’s official website)
  6. copyright

Make sure icon icon is unique and not the same as other apps, otherwise it will be rejected easily

Not even the same developer

see also

Haven’t updated version of the iOS App stores skills: case to delete the App Store non-primary language method, App stores matters (ASO and ASA) : after…

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