
I don’t know if these projects are sen. They have not been maintained for several years.

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I have done several App submissions before, but I have never come across such a situation. After the IPA you packaged from Xcode is uploaded through the Application Loader. You’ll go to your iTunes Connect and look at the build you just uploaded, and as usual, it’s showing up in progress. Because this process also takes a certain amount of time to process, but after a few minutes, I found that the version I uploaded before was missing, disappeared. Yeah, you heard me right it’s gone. It’s gone. I thought the upload failed, so I re-uploaded it with Application Loader, but it reminded me that the build had already been uploaded. This time I was in a circle, this is what ghost !!!!

From iOS10, apple pays more attention to privacy protection. If you need to access user privacy in app, you must do a description, so you need to add a description in the plist fileCopy the code

I didn’t see anything special about this, because I also set the right Settings (there are also the permission Settings that were set by others). I re-uploaded it, but it’s still not there. I went back and looked at the article carefully, and there was this passage that caught my eye.”

Add these fields to the plist file (you can add these fields according to your APP's situation, for example, I use Bluetooth, I find the field with Bluetooth). The important point is: add the description at the end, if you do not add the description, it is the same as not added, Apple will still refuse (the most basic is the first three added with *).Copy the code

At this point, I went back and looked at my info.plist and did have a few permissions that were not described. My god, this predecessor is really great……… I added the description again and it worked, so I wrote this article. Warning yourself can also help others with the same problem.