Automatic packaging tool

We have used Jenkins, flow. ci,Fastlane, now we use Jenkins and Fastlane together, a remote library, a local library for packaging

1. Jenkins

The configuration is complex and has a long history. The stable version is used in general work. Separate configuration of a computer to do packaging equipment, you can customize a lot of things. Powerful function. Can pull the remote warehouse of different branches, different items for packaging.

IOS automatic packaging and distribution


Although it is a super new star, but I have to say, is really using the worry, quality assured, professional team service. Hand in hand teaching, because the use of someone else’s server, as long as the authorization of the project, can be anytime, anywhere, packaging completely no pressure ah. Once we also had a period of sweet period, unfortunately this year in March to charge, poor children or their own busy.

3. Fastlane

After that, I still want to be lazy. I used Fastlane once before, and I don’t need to configure it at all. The premise is that you have permission to operate the developer account. I have configured two environments, Debug and Release, to adjust different parameters, including different package names, third-party appIDS and appSecret(especially wechat sharing), to realize automatic packaging of two APP packages and install them on mobile phones for simultaneous testing. For example, my bundleID has a different value in different environments, so I chose N and entered it myself manually to make sure.