Folder structure

1, mainstream navigation style select sidebar style and bottom option bar style, LSDMInfo. Plist needs to be configured

2. Set the startup page to the image size in images.xcassets

3, set the welcome page, lsdminfo. plist needs to be configured

4. Select the server. Lsdminfo. plist must be configured


5. Pod integrates tripartite libraries

6, based on AFNetworking3.0 version encapsulation, simple and easy to use, block callback mode, default

7. Based on Baidu Map encapsulation, singleton positioning (non-view), block callback

8. Navigation jump has its own map

9, integrated keyboard blocker MLInputDodger, default

10. Two sharing methods based on UmENG sharing encapsulation

11. Integrate Ping++ payment function

12, integrate a push

13, integration sweep

14. Unified web controller

15. User-defined view of common modules GitHub – liusen001/LSCaseDemo: user-defined view of common modules

Common custom views

Second, class introduction

Lscommonmacros.h // All macro definitions

Lsafnetworkingmanager. h //AFNetworking3.0 encapsulation

Lsfactory. h // Common methods, tips

Lsbaseviewcontroller. h // Base controller, from which all new controllers inherit

LSBaseLinearViewController. H/controller/vertical line layout

LSBaseListViewController. H/list/controller

LSCellDispose. H // Unified cell processing

GitHub – Liusen001 /LSTest: Lightweight development framework