Recently, the switC button with dynamic effect will be used in the project. The effect picture is as follows:


This effect needs to be combined with frame animation to achieve, and then quickly ask the UI to get a set of images…

First we need to customize a View

And make the View a rounded corner

class DynamicSwitch: UIButton { override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) setupUI() } required init? (coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")} private func setupUI() {// round layer.cornerradius = height / 2 layer.masksToBounds = true } }Copy the code

Implement frame animation

// Frame animation for I in 1... 22 { beginImageArray.append(UIImage(named: "switch \(i).png")!) let imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "The switch 1. PNG")) imageView. Center = the center imageView. AnimationImages = beginImageArray / / duration of the animation Each frame of 0.025 seconds, A total of 22 frame imageView. AnimationDuration = 0.025 * 22 imageView animationRepeatCount = 1 / / end of the animation of the imageView image attribute set animation last frame imageView.image = UIImage(named: "switch 22.png") imageView.startAnimating() view.addSubview(imageView) }Copy the code


At this time you can make the effect of the expression in situ rotation


Then we need a gradient color

Gradient can be implemented by CAGradientLayer as follows:

Let gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer() gradientLayer.frame = bounds gradientlayer. colors = [UIColor(red: 255/255.0, green: 195/255.0, blue: 113/255.0, alpha: 1). CgColor, UIColor(red: 255/255.0, green: GradientLayer = gradientLayer (x: 0, y: 1). GradientLayer = gradientLayer (x: 0, y: 1). 0) gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 1, y: 0) view.layer.addSublayer(gradientLayer)Copy the code

StartPoint and endPoint from (0, 0) to (1, 0) represent horizontal gradients. At this point our control will look like this:


Animation combined with

The entire animation is actually a horizontal translation of the imageView + frame animation, and we use a bool to determine whether it is left to right or right to left:

// Call func beginAnimation() {let duration = flag? 0.0175 * 21: 0.0225 * 21 customImageView animationDuration = duration customImageView. AnimationRepeatCount = 1 isEnabled = false customImageView.animationImages = flag ? beginImageArray : endImageArray customImageView.image = flag ? UIImage(named: "switch 22.png") : UIImage(named: "switch 1.png") UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: { [unowned self] in self.customImageView.minX = self.flag ? self.width - self.height : 0 }) { [unowned self] (_) in self.isEnabled = true } customImageView.startAnimating() flag = ! flag }Copy the code


Gradient appearance

As a final step, the gradient of the background needs to follow the movement of the expression. This can be achieved through a white view of the same size as the parent control, and the x coordinate is synchronized with the expression when clicked.


Binding frame animation


The basic effects are done, all that is left is to set up the borders, shadows, and some details.