Turn off implicit animation

self.layer.frame = self.bounds
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[Bug Mc-10864] – AVPlayer is caching for a while before starting to play

player.automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = false// Delay playback is enabled by default
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A few notes on this property:

In versions of iOS prior to iOS 10.0 and versions of OS X prior to iOS 10.12, this property is unavailable, and the behavior of the AVPlayer corresponds to the type of content being played. For streaming content, including HTTP Live Streaming, the AVPlayer acts as if automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling is YES. For file-based content, including file-based content accessed via progressive http download, the AVPlayer acts as if automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling is NO.

In iOS10, false is recommended for non-streaming media playback, although this parameter is not available.

Determine whether AVPlayer is playing

This value is incorrect when we use KVO to listen on player.rate to determine if player is playing. Player. rate=1 does not mean that the player is playing. Player. rate=0 does mean that the player is paused. Player. rate=0

self.timeObserve = self.player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTimeMake(1.1),
queue: DispatchQueue.main,
using: {(time) in
if self.player.timeControlStatus == AVPlayerTimeControlStatus.playing {
/ / after AVPlayerTimeControlStatus for iOS API
self.state = .playing
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Configuration of URLSessionConfiguration during download

When downloading with Alamofire, we usually need a SessionManager configuration download parameter:

let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 50/ / 50 s timeout
/** Maximum number of concurrent downloads ---- The default maximum number of concurrent downloads for an IP server is 4 on iOS, and 6 */ on OS X
configuration.httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 4
/** A Boolean value that indicates whether TCP connections should be kept open when the app moves to the background. */
configuration.shouldUseExtendedBackgroundIdleMode = true// Support background download for true
manager = Alamofire.SessionManager(configuration: configuration)
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Do not store absolute sandbox addresses

When we write to the sandbox, we save the absolute path, and the next time we open the address, we don’t get the data we saved. Here’s why:

After iOS8, apple added a new feature that regenerates the sandbox (unique code path) (red box) every time you open your app, and keeps the last sandbox files (Documents, Library, TMP) in the newly generated file. The old files are deleted, that is, the files you saved are still there, but every time you open it, There’s going to be a new absolute path.

// Both represent relative paths to document
let rootPath = NSHomeDirectory() + "/Documents/"
let rootPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first
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The viewDidAppear method of childViewController is called

If you have multiple Child ViewControllers nested within a ViewController. When the host VC (we’ll call it that for now) calls methods like viewDidAppear, the childViewController in it defaults to calling the corresponding method. We can override the VC property if we don’t want childViewController to call this method:

override var shouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods: Bool {
return false
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Image switching in and out method

Displaying images via UIImageView and layer.contents can be done using the following methods:

let transition = CATransition()
transition.duration = 0.5
transition.type = kCATransitionFade
self.view.layer.add(transition, forKey: "layer.contents")
self.view.layer.contents = image.cgImage// Applies to imageView
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Method of moving a cell from a view to a view

override func prepareForReuse(a) {
super.prepareForReuse()// With the reuse pool cell, the displayed cell is moved to visual range
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didEndDisplaying cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
// Called when the cell is removed from the view
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Tableview,collectionView after data reload

If we wanted to pop an alertView after Reload, or scroll to a particular line, we would say:

tableView.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .middle, animated: true)
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It looks fine, but scrolling doesn’t work because reloadData is returned immediately, not waiting for the TableView to refresh. The solution is to wait for the reload to complete before doing the desired operation. There are several ways to check whether the reload is complete:

collectionView.performBatchUpdates(nil) { (finished) in
    / / reload
// The tableView method is available only in iOS11
tableView.performBatchUpdates(nil) { (finished) in
    / / reload
}// replace func beginUpdates(), func endUpdates()
//tableView can be used after reload
DispatchQueue.main.async {
    / / reload
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