1. Install Node.js
NVM installation is recommended to facilitate version management
If you can’t climb the wall, you can install Taobao mirror
npm install -g cnpm –registry=
Check: node -v
2. Install ionic

npm install -g ionic
Check: Ionic-V

3. Install Cordova
npm install -g cordova
Check: cordova-v

4. Install the JDK
Check: Java-version, javac-version
Configure the JDK
Set system variables:
Name: JAVA_HOME, value (depending on your installation path) : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_144
Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to Path; %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin;

5. Install the Android SDK
Website (can choose) over the wall: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Not over the wall to choose: http://www.androiddevtools.cn/
Or 360 security guard – 360 software housekeeper – programming development – search can be.
(The second method is used as an example to download.)
(1) Download Android SDK Tools
Find the SDK Tools and download the latest version. Select zip and decompress it to the destination path

(2) Double-click SDK Manager to start the SDK Manager
①, Tools check icon options can be downloaded.

(2) Choose any API, consider the principle of downward compatibility, you can download the latest API. (The latest 27, preferably 26 also download, otherwise an error will be reported, as shown below)

③ Full selection of Extras
Note: The following prompt will appear if you cannot download
At this time, Android SDK is used to update the image server online to download and install:
1. Address of image server of Beijing University of Chemical Technology
IPv4: ubuntu.buct.edu.cn/ port: 80
IPv4: ubuntu.buct.cn/ Port: 80
IPv6: ubuntu.buct6.edu.cn/ port: 80
2. Address of image server of Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information:
Mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn Port: 80
3. Zhengzhou University Open Source Mirror Site:
Mirrors.zzu.edu.cn Port: 80
Start the Android SDK Manager, open the main window, and select Tools, Options… The Android SDK Manager-Settings window is displayed.
In the Android SDK Manager-Settings window, enter the address of the image Server in the HTTP Proxy Server and HTTP Proxy Port fields: Mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn and port 80 and select “Force https://… Sources to be fetched using http://…” Check box. After setting, click Close to Close the Android SDK Manager-Settings window and return to the main screen.
Select “Packages” and “Reload” in sequence.
(3) Set environment variables
Create a system environment variable named ANDROID_HOME and the value of the variable is your SDK installation path
(2) the % ANDROID_HOME % \ tools; %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools; Add to the Path environment variable.
3. Check whether the configuration is successful. Open a command line window and type adb. If the following information is displayed, the configuration is successful:
6. Install Gradle
Refer to www.cnblogs.com/crazyprogra…
(1) to Gradle’s official website: https://gradle.org/install
(2) the download Gradle:https://gradle.org/releases, I here to download the latest version 4.4 (gradle – 4.4 – bin.zip);
(3) Decompress, place the position of their own;
(4) Configure environment variables: system variable –Path– edit: (copy the map on the Internet, fill in according to the actual)

(5) Verification:

(6) Ionic Cordova build Android
This step may require a reboot of the computer, which I did.

Net Framework 2.0 SDK has been installed on my computer
Run the following command to install the Windows build environment in Win: NPM install –global –production Windows-build-tools
Another problem occurred during installation
Solve this problem by installing Cocos Creator

7. Create and project
Ionic start Ionic3test Tutorial (blank Tabs Sidemenu super Tutorial)
The network here is not good, under the official project for a long time not good, so set up github famous imitation JD project

Note: During the creation of the project, NPM may download an error, so enter the project, execute NPM I to reinstall the Module
Ionic Cordova Platform add Android — Nofetch
Ionic Cordova Run Android

Compilation problems
