In this article

Build a Flutter development environment based on Visual Studio Code(VsCode).

Target Users:

Flutter beginners


Download and install Visual Studio Code expected time: 3 minutes (download speed is estimated according to the 500 k/SEC)

2. Install plug-ins

  1. Installing the Dart plug-in
  2. Install plug-in Flutter

Download JDK8 64-bit

Do not use the latest JDK version, only JDK8 64-bit.

  1. Download. Expected time: 10 minutes…. You can also download it from Oracle, but you need to register an Oracle account.
  2. Install JDK and configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable

Download the Flutter SDK

  1. Download. Estimated duration: 20 minutesFlutter. Dev/docs/get – st…
  2. Decompress the file and add the bin directory of flutter to the environment variable


Run the following command, and when you encounter the required input, type y and press Enter.

flutter doctor --android-licenses
Copy the code

6. Create a project

  1. After completing the above steps, restart VsCode
  2. Press the shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+ P, then enter “flutter” and select “Flutter: New Project”.
  3. Enter the project name and select the folder to save the flutter SDK.

7. Operation project

  1. Press F5 and select “Dart&Flutter”
  2. Select a device to run (if none is available, click “Create Android Emulator” to Create one)

Eight, operation effect diagram