What is RxJS?

Official: RxJS stands for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, originated from Reactive Extensions, and is a library based on observable data streams for asynchronous programming applications. RxJS is an implementation of Reactive Extensions on JavaScript.

RxJS is often referred to as a flow-based, responsive library that combines the observer and iterator patterns. So the following will be from these key words.

Pre-knowledge point

Reactive Programming (RP)

Responsive programming is a programming paradigm for data flow and change propagation. Static or dynamic data flows can be easily expressed in a programming language, and the associated computational model automatically propagates the changing values through the data flows. – wikipedia

  • Reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams. A common example of asynchronous data flow involves Event buses. Create a Data stream with anything that includes these events, listen on it, and respond.
  • Focus only on events that business logic depends on each other rather than implementation details
  • It is suitable for a large number of data-related events, especially for high real-time requirements


Take the event flow of clicking a button:

Example of multi-click button event flow:

  • A stream is an uninterrupted sequence sorted by time. It produces three different types of events: values, errors, and signals of completion. By defining event handlers for these three, you can catch these events asynchronously
  • Each stream has multiple methods that, when called, return a new stream based on the original stream. The original stream is not modified to ensure immutability
  • Data streams support chain calls, and you can combine different functions to process streams, create and filter different streams. Even one or more streams can serve as inputs to another stream. You can merge two data streams. You can filter a data stream and get a data stream containing the events you are interested in. You can map values from one data stream to another

Observer mode (publish-subscribe mode)

Example: information subscription between the home buyer and the sales department. Home buyers subscribe to the housing price information of the sales department, the sales department maintains a customer table that needs information, and when there is information, the traversal table pushes and releases housing information to qualified home buyers. Here, the house buyer plays the role of observer, and the house sales department plays the role of being observed. When the information of the house sales department changes, it will automatically push information to the house buyer.

Conclusion: Streams (an Observable of realtors /rx.js) are observed, a function subscribes to an event of the stream (pushing housing prices), and the function is an Observer (an Observer of realtors /rx.js). When an event of the stream is generated, the corresponding function is executed.

Iterator pattern

Provides a way to sequentially access individual elements in an aggregate object without exposing the internal representation of the object. The most common are JavaScript built-in iterable types like Array, Set, etc. You can get an iterator using the iterator method, and call the next method to get an element object.

var iterable = [1, 2];
var iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
iterator.next(); // => { value: "1".done: false}
iterator.next(); // => { value: "2".done: false}
iterator.next(); // => { value: undefined, done: true}Copy the code
The JavaScript Iterator has only one next method, which returns only these two results. Iterator gets its value by calling next, which is a form of pull data.

The difference from Promise

  1. Promises are essentially observables, and you can use fromPromises to turn promises into Observables
  2. But promise.then () returns only one value, and observables can return multiple values
  3. A Promise is either resolve or reject, and only responds once. An Observable can respond multiple times
  4. Promises can’t be canceled, and an Observable can unsubscribe by calling unsubscribe()

Problem solved

  • Unification of synchronous and asynchronous
  • Composable data change process
  • Precise binding of data and view
  • Automatic recalculation after a condition change

The core concept

An overview of the relationship between

Demo: A simple example

Observable — The object being observed

Rxjs is a combination of observer and iterator patterns. An Observable, as the observed, is a stream of values or events. It’s like a sequence where the elements are pushed over time.

var observable = Rx.Observable
// Create an Observable with the create method
// The callback takes an observer argument, that is, the observer role
	.create(function(observer) {

        setTimeout((a)= > {
			observer.next('This is an asynchronous operation.');
		}, 30)})// Subscribe to this Observable
// Only after subscribing will observer methods be called and notified when the stream Observable changes
// You can also unsubscribe by calling unsubscribe()
var subscription = observable.subscribe(function(value) {
setTimeOut((a)= > {
}, 5000)

// The program will output in turn
'This is an asynchronous operation.'Copy the code
So, unlike the observed in observer mode, an Observable doesn’t have a list of subscribers to maintain; it’s just a function. To subscribe, simply pass in the callback function Observer. And an Observable can handle both synchronous and asynchronous operations!

There are many ways to create an Observable, including the following:

Operator — Operator

The functions that operate observables are operators. It accepts the incoming Observable, but returns the new Observable. Use map as an example.

             .map(v= > v * 2) 
             .subscribe(v= > console.log('output:' + v));
// output:4Copy the code
Here are a few common operators. For detailed API visualization of data flow, see gem map

An Observer

Corresponding to the iterator pattern, it provides three methods, next, Error, and complete

var Observer = {
    next(value) { /* Process the value */ },
    error(error) { /* Handle exceptions */ },
    complete() { /* Process the completed state */}}; Next (): receives Observable values error(): not used in iteratorstry catchThe Observer receives an error with an error method (optional) complete(): Fires an action when no new data is sent (optional)Copy the code

Subject – Observes the implementation of the schema and inherits Observable

The same Observable can be subscribed to by multiple observers. Similar to addListener, they are maintained by a Subject, a special type of Observable that can multiroute values to multiple observers.

  • Each Subject is an Observable that can subscribe to it. From the perspective of the Observer, it can’t distinguish its execution environment from the single-path push of a common Observable or the multi-path push based on Subject
  • Each Subject can also be an Observer, since it also consists of next, error, and complete methods. By calling next, the Subject multiplexes the current value to all observers registered on it
The demo address

// Create an Observable that outputs one number per second and ends with three
var source = Rx.Observable.interval(1000).take(3);

// Define two observers
var observerA = {
    next: value= > console.log('A next: ' + value),
    error: error= > console.log('A error: ' + error),
    complete: (a)= > console.log('A complete! ')}var observerB = {
    next: value= > console.log('B next: ' + value),
    error: error= > console.log('B error: ' + error),
    complete: (a)= > console.log('B complete! ')}// Create a subject -- a special Observable
var subject = new Rx.Subject()

// observerA Subscribe Subject

// The Subject subscribes to Observable as an observer

setTimeout((a)= > {
}, 1000);

/ / output:
// "A next: 0"
// "A next: 1"
// "B next: 1"
// "A next: 2"
// "B next: 2"
// "A complete!"
// "B complete!"A and B are independent of each otherCopy the code

Scheduler — Controls the time nodes of an Observable

Controls when an Observable’s subscription starts executing and values arrive. Four schedulers are available in RxJS 5. The typical operator will have a preset scheduler.

  • Queue – When recursing, queue blocks the recursion to avoid unnecessary performance loss
  • Asap — as soon as possible, expressed as setTimeout is 0. Used mostly for observables that never unsubscribe, such as polling
  • Async – Specifies that an Observable executes asynchronously, using setInterval.
  • AnimationFrame — Window. The requestAnimationFrame API implementation, suitable for high frequency trigger UI animation
var observable = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {

console.log('before subscribe');
observable.observeOn(Rx.Scheduler.async) // It was synchronous, but now it is asynchronous
    next: (value) = > { console.log(value); },
    error: (err) = > { console.log('Error: ' + err); },
    complete: (a)= > { console.log('complete'); }});console.log('after subscribe');

// "before subscribe"
// "after subscribe"
/ / 1
/ / 2
/ / 3
// "complete"Copy the code

Application scenarios

Examples: Trello, Teambition, etc

Core: The state of a view is the overlay effect of several streams on a timeline.

Service scenario Features:

  1. There’s a lot of data, a lot of manipulation of data
  2. The data displayed is a combination of multiple data, such as task, corresponding owner, tag, and so on
  3. Updates to the same data may come from different originators
  4. New data should require the same data processing rules as the original


  1. Data is obtained by caching and asynchronously
  2. Each data flow pipe is combined, and the superposition of the streams is the final data
  3. Get and subscribe together, so you don’t need to know where the data comes from, right
  4. The current and future data merges are then processed using the same API to ensure the same rules for data


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  • RxJS 5
  • The introduction to Reactive Programming you' ve been missing
  • Flowing Data – Use RxJS to construct data logic for complex single-page applications