If you don’t know how to start IOS development, check out the following links to learn about configuring the IOS development environment and getting started with Swift:

This chapter will teach you how to create a standard iPhone app and run it on a mobile emulator.

1. Create an iOS project

1. Open The Xcode software, as shown in the picture below, and click the red box to create an Xcode project

2. In the second screen, just make sure “iOS” is selected in the upper left corner and “Single VIew App” is selected in the middle, and then click the “Next” button in the lower right corner to proceed to the Next step.

3. Enter the project Name after “Product Name” and the development Language after “Language”. There are two options: Object C and Swift. And then click “Next” in the bottom right corner.

4. Select a directory to store the project in and click “Next” in the lower right corner.

Second, compile and run

1. After entering the project interface, you can actually run the program directly by clicking the button in the red box in the upper left corner of the picture below (although we haven’t written a line of code yet). After the Build Succeeded dialog box is displayed, the system starts the simulator. The simulator starts slowly for the first time. Please be patient. The observant eye will notice that there is an “iPhone 8 Plus” button in the upper left corner of the engineering interface, which can be clicked to select a different phone emulator to boot.

2. After the simulator starts, it will automatically start running our first App, and the running result is shown below. It can be seen that the mobile phone interface is blank, then whether our App has been successfully run. You can click the “Home” button at the bottom of the simulator to return to the desktop of the phone to view our App.

3. You can see from the red box below that our “MyFirstApp” has been installed successfully.

This is the end of the article, you can also message me in time to get the interview information. If you have any comments and suggestions, please leave a message to me.

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