The inventor of HTML

Tim Berners-Lee

HTML start standard format

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0">



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What are the common labels of table sections

  • H1 ~ H6 are the corresponding level 1 to maximum level 6 headings
  • Section is the section of the corresponding article. If the entered paragraph belongs to a section, that section should be included in the section tag
  • As the name implies, it is a relatively large scope, such as in an article tag, containing h1 to H6 tags, and containing p tags
<article class="forecast">
    <h1>Weather forecast for Seattle</h1>
    <article class="day-forecast">
        <h2>03 March 2018</h2>
    <article class="day-forecast">
        <h2>04 March 2018</h2>
        <p>Periods of rain.</p>
    <article class="day-forecast">
        <h2>05 March 2018</h2>
        <p>Heavy rain.</p>

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  • Main means the main part of the page layout, such as the head TAB and footer TAB
  • Aside label is relative to the main body of the article, which is main. However, some supplementary content or expanded content that is not directly related to the content will appear in the form of aside label. Aside label can still add a p tag

What are the global properties

  • class
  • contenteditable
  • hidden
  • id
  • style
  • Tabindex is a TAB jump by pressing the TAB key on a page
  • title

What are the commonly used content labels and what are their meanings (A, strong, EM, code, pre)?

  • The A tag is used to declare links, hyperlinks
  • The strong tag is used to simply bold text, highlighting it
  • The EM tag is used to highlight the semantic emphasis on tone
  • Code A specific label used to mark a piece of code
  • The Pre tag is used to completely preserve the formatting of the typed paragraph, and multiple Spaces or carriage returns are displayed as they are, rather than multiple Spaces being counted as one space