This is the sixth day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

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As a Java developer, it is necessary to understand some of the data structures involved in Java, and understanding data structures does not help you greatly in the daily business development process.

But with the accumulation of experience, it is inevitable to consider more questions, to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each technology in order to implement a solution, at this time, if we have some understanding of data structure, I believe you can have a more accurate judgment.

Let’s take a look at some of the data structures in Java.

Data structures in Java

Java involved in the data structure, and in the basic toolkit to achieve, probably divided into these kinds, respectively is enumeration, bit set, vector, stack, dictionary, hash table, attributes and other data structures.

Let’s briefly introduce these data structures. I will also talk about the application and related principles of these data structures in detail in the next article. I hope you can learn them together.

Enumeration – Enumeration

Enumerations are an interface provided in Java that does not technically fall into the data structure category, but is often interspersed with specific data structures.

A collection – BitSet

The BitSet class implements the Cloneable interface and provides more data processing solutions based on it. It is mainly used to manage multiple bits. This bit element can store only 0, 1, true, false, and is often used to process a series of Booleans.

Vector – the Vector

Vectors have a close cousin, arrays, and many features of both, such as index subscripts and specifying sizes, but vectors are dynamically sized.

Dynamic sizing is also an area where Vector is friendly.

Stack – Stack

Stack is very familiar with it, although the operation may not be much, but its lifO characteristics are absolutely interview questions must be memorized.


Today we are going to briefly introduce these data structures, and now we are going to start to talk about each data structure, and to have a deeper understanding of whether you are ready.